ludoux / LrcHelper

从网易云音乐下载带翻译的歌词 Walkman 适配
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我想反馈一个使用中的问题 #7

Closed Shadowairing closed 5 years ago

Shadowairing commented 5 years ago


请先确保已经阅读过 wiki 的有关内容。你的问题很可能已经有对应的指引。

请先确保已经在 issues 中搜索过类似的问题,你的问题很可能已经被提及,也有了你所满意的回应。




  1. 软件版本(右键-属性-详细信息-产品版本)是?:

  1. 外界环境是?(系统版本(包括位数)/联网状态是否正常):

Win10 ltsb 2016 联网正常

  1. 是在下载某个 ID 时必然发生的吗?如果是请附上 ID :

29572511 36492608 36496574 425828457 其他的ID也会有这种情况,但是我目前只记得这些ID了

  1. 如果上者不是,可否描述一下问题发生前你所做的事?(如何复现?):


  1. 所指的问题是什么?:


有关调用实时(JIT)调试而不是此对话框的详细信息, 请参见此消息的结尾。

** 异常文本 ** System.FormatException: 输入字符串的格式不正确。 在 System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) 在 System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) 在 System.Convert.ToInt32(String value) 在 ludoux.LrcHelper.SharedFramework.LyricsLine.set_Timeline(String value) 在 ludoux.LrcHelper.SharedFramework.Lyrics.ArrangeLyrics(String text, String breakText) 在 ludoux.LrcHelper.NeteaseMusic.ExtendedLyrics.FetchOnlineLyrics(String revisedsContentOriLyricsForUserReviseFunc, String revisedsContentTransLyricsForUserReviseFunc) 在 LrcHelper.LrcDownloader.DownloadLrc(String folderPath, String filenamePatern, Music music, Int32 ModeIIndex, Int32 DelayMsc, LyricsStatus& status, String& filePath, String fileEncoding, String revisedsContentOriLyricsForUserReviseFunc, String revisedsContentTransLyricsForUserReviseFunc) 在 LrcHelper.LrcDownloader.GETbutton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) 在 System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) 在 System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) 在 System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) —————————————————————————————————————————————— 6.还有一个问题,无法完全获取专辑歌词 比如说 3301010 3029801 35150843 等等

ludoux commented 5 years ago


song?id=29572511 的问题:这是由于网易云源歌词中出现[x5]之类的文字,而被软件错误地当作时间轴来解析,最终出错. snipaste_2018-12-11_18-10-37

对于这个问题,软件目前无法自行解决,请使用 ReviseRaw 功能来手动修补

我也看了 song?id=36492608 ,问题也差不多. snipaste_2018-12-11_18-12-31



至于后面关于歌单的问题,我看了 playlist?id=3301010 playlist?id=3029801 这两个,好像都没有什么问题啊...第一个歌单有两首歌,只有一首有歌词.第二个只有一首歌.方便的话请继续补充,谢谢.

BTW song?id=29572511 的歌词是 [00:04.90]Flashing lights and we#耀眼的光芒闪入 [00:08.10]Took a wrong turn and we#我们转错了弯 [00:10.40]Fell down a rabbit hole.#而后陷入了一个兔子洞 [00:15.60]You held on tight to me#你紧紧依偎著我 [00:18.10]'Cause nothing's as it seems#因为一切都不像其表面所示 [00:21.10]I'm spinning out of control.#我正极速失控中 [00:26.70]Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? [00:27.70]他们没告诉我们别匆匆闯入吗 [00:29.70]Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? [00:30.70]你没用你绿色的眼眸看著我吗 [00:32.00]Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? [00:33.00]你没听说过有些东西原来只是好奇心理吗? [00:35.90]Ooooo#呜呜 [00:36.80]Didn't it all seem new and exciting? [00:37.80]噢~,这一切不是都全新且让人兴奋吗? [00:39.10]I felt your arms twisting 'round me#我感觉到你的臂膀绕在我身上 [00:42.10]I should have slept with one eye open at night. [00:43.10]我本来应该一隻眼睛睁著睡觉的 [00:47.60]We found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [00:49.30]You and I got lost in it#我俩迷路其中 [00:52.30]And we pretended it could last forever [00:53.30]而我们自欺这一切能持续永久 [00:56.60]aye#诶 [00:58.40]We found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [01:00.10]You and I got lost in it#我俩迷路其中 [01:02.40]And life was never worse but never better [01:03.40]这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好 [01:07.30]aye aye#诶 [01:08.10]Aye #诶 [01:11.30]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [01:13.50]Aye #诶 [01:16.50]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [01:19.00]Aye #诶 [01:22.00]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [01:24.20]Aye #诶 [01:27.30]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [01:31.00]So we went on our way#因此我们踏上征途 [01:33.50]To and left a thing straight#把所有事抛之脑后 [01:36.80]All alone or so it seemed.#我俩看似孤身二人 [01:41.40]But there were strangers watching#但有陌生人在注视著我们 [01:44.80]And whispers turned to talking#他们由窃窃私语变成正常讲话 [01:47.30]And talking turned to screams.#由正常讲话变得尖叫起来 [01:52.30]Oooooh#呜呜 [01:53.10]Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? [01:54.10]他们没告诉我们别匆匆闯入吗 [01:55.80]Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? [01:56.80]你没用你绿色的眼眸看著我吗 [01:57.60]Didn't you calm my fears with the Cheshire cat smile? [01:58.60]你没有用咧嘴的笑颜安抚我的恐惧吗? [02:02.50]Ooooo#呜呜 [02:03.30]Didn't it all seem new and exciting? [02:04.30]这一切不是都全新且让人激动吗? [02:06.00]I felt your arms twisting 'round me#我感觉到你的臂膀绕在我身上 [02:09.00]It's all fun and games 'til somebody loses their mind. [02:10.00]直到有人丢失心智之前这还是尽情的欢乐和游戏 [02:12.30]But darling, we found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [02:15.30]You and I got lost in it#我俩迷路其中 [02:18.50]And we pretended it could last forever [02:19.50]而我们自欺这一切能持续永久 [02:22.50]aye#诶 [02:24.30]We found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [02:26.10]You and I got lost in it#我俩迷路其中 [02:28.30]And life was never worse but never better [02:29.30]这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好 [02:33.60]Aye Aye#诶诶 [02:34.90]Aye #诶诶 [02:37.60]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [02:39.80]Aye #诶诶 [02:42.30]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [02:44.80]Aye #诶诶 [02:48.80]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [02:50.00]Aye #诶诶 [02:54.00]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [02:57.30]I reached for you but you were gone#我来寻你,但你消失不见 [03:02.30]I knew I had to go back home#我知道我必须回到家中 [03:05.30]You search the world for something else to make you feel like what we had [03:06.30]你寻遍世界,只爲寻得一物能让你再次感受当日所闻 [03:10.30]And in the end in wonderland we both went mad. [03:11.30]最后在仙境中我俩双双变得疯狂 [03:17.30]Oooooh#哦哦 [03:18.30]We found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [03:21.50]You and I got lost in it#我俩迷路其中 [03:24.00]And we pretended it could last forever (last forever) [03:25.00]我俩自欺这能持续永远 [03:28.30]aye aye#诶诶 [03:29.10]We found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [03:31.80]You and I got lost in it (got lost in it)#我俩迷路其中 [03:34.50]And life was never worse but never better (never better) [03:35.50]这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好 [03:38.30]aye aye#诶诶 [03:39.80]We found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [03:42.30]You and I got lost in it (wonderland)#我俩迷路其中 [03:45.30]And we pretended it could last forever (in wonderland) [03:46.30]而我俩自欺这能持续永远 [03:49.30]We found wonderland#我们发现了仙境 [03:52.30]You and I got lost in it (wonderland)#我俩迷路其中 [03:55.30]And life was never worse but never better [03:56.30]这里的生活极度糟糕但也极度美好 [03:59.20]In wonderland#在仙境之中 [re:Made by LrcHelper @] [ve:]


Shadowairing commented 5 years ago

您好,我后面不是关于歌单的问题,是关于 专辑 的问题。 应该是 album?id=3301010 和 album?id=3029801 其他的专辑也有获取不全的情况,但是这里我就只写出来了2个专辑,谢谢

ludoux commented 5 years ago

这应该是我写正则没写好的问题 目前的方法 只能是先收藏这个专辑作为自己的歌单,然后再从歌单链接下下来 我可能要半年多才能更新修复,抱歉……

ludoux commented 5 years ago

您好,我后面不是关于歌单的问题,是关于 专辑 的问题。 应该是 album?id=3301010 和 album?id=3029801 其他的专辑也有获取不全的情况,但是这里我就只写出来了2个专辑,谢谢

v2.0.13 应该都修复了XD