ludovic-gonthier / snowshoe

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SyntaxError #39

Closed bdronneau closed 9 years ago

bdronneau commented 9 years ago

Hi Ludovic,

I've a strange error.

$ gulp reactify
[15:16:28] Using gulpfile /srv/snowshoe/gulpfile.js
[15:16:28] Starting 'reactify'...
[15:16:28] Finished 'reactify' after 22 ms
reactify: complete after 7.442s!

$ gulp server
[15:16:39] Using gulpfile /srv/snowshoe/gulpfile.js
[15:16:39] Starting 'server'...
[15:16:39] Finished 'server' after 19 ms
livereload[tiny-lr] listening on 35729 ...
Server launched.

        Hostname: X.X.X.X
        Port: 3000

GET /login 304 327.547 ms - -
GET /css/login.css 304 9.807 ms - -
GET /views/login.js 200 66.203 ms - -
GET /favicon.png 200 13.015 ms - 3502
[SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input. Could not parse body: ]

The SyntaxError appears when I request the server. It's not critical, because all informations continuing to be display.

Version :

commit 4c0451e7459854cf775532145dfea685d6f1c2fb
Merge: 66aafa8 bcf127b
Author: Ludovic Gonthier <>
Date:   Mon Oct 19 18:15:15 2015 +0200

    Merge branch 'fix-homepage'
ludovic-gonthier commented 9 years ago

Hello Bast1,

I had those issue a while ago, but they did not appear since several moths. I thought they were corrected.

I have the same issue here. I'll see what I can do to avoid those issue to pollute the output.

A solution to that is to remove the cache folder and restart the application.

Thank you to have reported this issue

bdronneau commented 9 years ago

This hotfix procedure working great (: I'll try to find time to check what append with cache.