ludovicchabant / vim-gutentags

A Vim plugin that manages your tag files
MIT License
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gutentags: gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 255 #204

Open bmeww opened 5 years ago

bmeww commented 5 years ago

hi, I am using gutentags in gvim in windows. First i create a empty folder called “.project” in my dirctory. Then when i open the file using gvim, i get the message "gutentags: gutentags: ctags job failed, returned: 255". I am using univeral ctags and gtags fo windows. It looks like the gtags work correctly.

ludovicchabant commented 5 years ago

Hi! Is maybe ctags not in your PATH? Can you do :let g:gutentags_trace = 1 and report back on what it says in both Vim's messages and in the tags.log file left behind?

coder2018cp commented 5 years ago

_15415697924695 I meet the same problem in window 7 with Gvim 8.1, can you help to solve it? Thank you very much! The gunentags config in my vimrc is below _15415715232515 And, the ctags I use is universal-ctags. _15415716303835

ludovicchabant commented 5 years ago

Thanks! What's in the .log file that's listed at the end of the command line in that first screenshot? Alternatively, have you pulled the Gutentags code recently? The log gets sent back to Vim so that if you type :messages you'll also see that log info.

coder2018cp commented 5 years ago

_15424326521477 Here is the message.

homway2016 commented 5 years ago

大兄弟,我也遇到这个情况, 我是/plat/unix/文件夹中的 $CTAGS_EXE 不是GNU的ctags ,我直接 把 $CTAGS_EXE 这个变量 hard code换成ctags 执行的绝对路径,比如 /usr/bin/ctags

ludovicchabant commented 5 years ago

@coder2018cp The job output looks weird -- maybe unicode characters that are getting messed up by either Gutentags or Vim or something?

Copy the command line after the Running: 'C:\Users\....' and try to run it manually, from inside F:\study\net_study\ That should let you troubleshoot what's wrong.

zoumi commented 5 years ago

The bug is at /plat/win32/update_tags.cmd when it is parsing args: -e "ctags" -t "C:\Users\zoumi.cache\tags\E--ProgramFiles(x86)-Vim-tags" -p "E:\Program Files (x86)\Vim" -o "E:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\bundle\vim-gutentags\res\ctags_recursive.options" -O "--output-format=e-ctags" -l "C:\Users\zoumi.cache\tags\E--ProgramFiles(x86)-Vim-tags.log" it get the error.

We need escape"E:\Program Files ^(x86^)....."

zoumi commented 5 years ago

There is another bug?: In my case, tag file should be "C:\Users\zoumi.cache\tags\E--ProgramFiles(x86)-Vim-\tags" not "C:\Users\zoumi.cache\tags\E--ProgramFiles(x86)-Vim-tags"

lqhSniper commented 4 years ago

I think this issue related to -o "c:\program files (x86)..." cant pass (x86) to ctags

I changed source code not using "res\ctags_rever...options" in the default path

Strahinja commented 4 years ago

Any update on this? Can (x86) be escaped somehow?

yllr78 commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem on windows7. Is there any further solution to this problem? 2021-03-19_140600 2021-03-19_140740

yllr78 commented 3 years ago

_15415697924695 I meet the same problem in window 7 with Gvim 8.1, can you help to solve it? Thank you very much! The gunentags config in my vimrc is below _15415715232515 And, the ctags I use is universal-ctags. _15415716303835

我的问题跟你类似,我把vim安装目录和配置文件从program files目录移到了d:\tools目录下就完全好了,应该是不支持windows的带空格的目录名造成的。