ludovicchabant / vim-gutentags

A Vim plugin that manages your tag files
MIT License
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the use of .guttags file #352

Open MrGeek-zrh opened 1 year ago

MrGeek-zrh commented 1 year ago

Gutentags is a very useful plugin, and I pretty appreciate the author's efforts. I've encountered some issues recently. What I want to achieve is to run the 'ctags' command with specific options like ctags -f .tags -R --exclude=./src/isa/loongarch32r/* --exclude=./src/isa/mips32/* ./ in the project root directory. So, I created a .gutctagsfile in the project's root directory with the following content:


I've looked at other issues related to the use of the .gutctags file, and when I execute the command mentioned in issue #126, :call gutentags#toggletrace(), and :GutentagsUpdate!, I get some similar output as mentioned inissue #126, including the -o option being passed to .guttags with some paths. When I execute :echo b:gutentags_root, the result indicates that the current project's root directory is the same as I expected.

However, when I open the project with Vim and execute :ts pattern to search for tags, files from the directories I want to exclude still appear.

eyalk11 commented 1 year ago

Maybe they exist in the tags file before?