ludwig-ai / ludwig

Low-code framework for building custom LLMs, neural networks, and other AI models
Apache License 2.0
11.09k stars 1.19k forks source link

ValueError fill value must be in categories. #1143

Closed zuliani99 closed 3 years ago

zuliani99 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to create a semple prediction of a dateset downloaded from openML using thier own API. In Addition to that I've create a function to automate the creation of the configuration dictionary. The problem is that when I try to train the model the "ValueError: fill value must be in categories." appears, but the train dataframe hasn't any nan value inside, infact train.isna().sum() display all the labels with the count to 0.

This is the entire code:

from ludwig.api import LudwigModel
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

def create_dict(label, target):
  model = { 'input_features': [], 'output_features': []}

  for lab in label.columns:
    #print(lab + " " +pd.api.types.infer_dtype(label[lab]))
    t = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(label[lab])

    if t == "floating" or t == "integer":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'numerical'})
    if t == "categorical":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'category'})
    if t == "boolean":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'binary'})
    if t == "string":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'text'})

  t = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(target[target.columns[0]])
  if t == "floating" or t == "integer":
    model['output_features'].append({ 'name': target.columns[0], 'type': 'numerical' })
  if t == "categorical":
    model['output_features'].append({ 'name': target.columns[0], 'type': 'category' })
  if t == "string":
    model['output_features'].append({ 'name': target.columns[0], 'type': 'text' })

  return model

X, y = fetch_openml(data_id=151, as_frame=True, return_X_y=True, cache=True)
y = y.to_frame()

label = X.convert_dtypes()
target = y.convert_dtypes()

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)

X_train[y_train.columns[0]] = y_train
train = X_train.convert_dtypes()

X_test[y_test.columns[0]] = y_test
test = X_test.convert_dtypes()

model = LudwigModel(create_dict(label, target))

train_stats = model.train(train)
predictions = model.predict(test)

I'm using Google Colab for this particular task

jimthompson5802 commented 3 years ago

@zuliani99 Thank you for submitting the issue. To help the Ludwig Team assist you, we need additional information. Please post the complete log output. I also suggest adding the following code fragments:

Add to your imports import logging

When creating the model instance add the parameter

model = LudwigModel(create_dict(label, target), logging_level=logging.INFO)

After creating train do following and post the output.


Thank you.

zuliani99 commented 3 years ago

Output from the print commands and ludwig:

date          float64
day          category
period        float64
nswprice      float64
nswdemand     float64
vicprice      float64
vicdemand     float64
transfer      float64
class          string
dtype: object
           date day    period  nswprice  ...  vicprice  vicdemand  transfer  class
39673  0.898323   2  0.531915  0.071664  ...  0.004715   0.601502  0.532895     UP
41263  0.902836   7  0.659574  0.054732  ...  0.003515   0.308389  0.782895   DOWN
26705  0.469271   5  0.361702  0.060106  ...  0.003911   0.487830  0.483772     UP
163    0.000133   5  0.404255  0.089798  ...  0.003467   0.422915  0.414912     UP
39811  0.898456   5  0.404255  0.106791  ...  0.007164   0.661833  0.385526     UP

[5 rows x 9 columns]
           date day    period  ...  vicprice  vicdemand  transfer
26192  0.468785   1  0.680851  ...  0.001836   0.161833  0.698684
15084  0.434052   1  0.255319  ...  0.003467   0.422915  0.414912
13276  0.429185   5  0.595745  ...  0.003467   0.422915  0.414912
16740  0.438609   7  0.765957  ...  0.003467   0.422915  0.414912
28360  0.473873   4  0.851064  ...  0.001836   0.395650  0.743421

[5 rows x 8 columns]
{'input_features': [{'name': 'date', 'type': 'numerical'}, {'name': 'day', 'type': 'category'}, {'name': 'period', 'type': 'numerical'}, {'name': 'nswprice', 'type': 'numerical'}, {'name': 'nswdemand', 'type': 'numerical'}, {'name': 'vicprice', 'type': 'numerical'}, {'name': 'vicdemand', 'type': 'numerical'}, {'name': 'transfer', 'type': 'numerical'}], 'output_features': [{'name': 'class', 'type': 'category'}]}
Experiment name: api_experiment
Model name: run
Output directory: results/api_experiment_run_8

ludwig_version: '0.3.3'
command: ('/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ -f '
random_seed: 42
data_format: "<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>"
config: {   'combiner': {'type': 'concat'},
    'input_features': [   {   'column': 'date',
                              'name': 'date',
                              'proc_column': 'date_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'numerical'},
                          {   'column': 'day',
                              'name': 'day',
                              'proc_column': 'day_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'category'},
                          {   'column': 'period',
                              'name': 'period',
                              'proc_column': 'period_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'numerical'},
                          {   'column': 'nswprice',
                              'name': 'nswprice',
                              'proc_column': 'nswprice_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'numerical'},
                          {   'column': 'nswdemand',
                              'name': 'nswdemand',
                              'proc_column': 'nswdemand_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'numerical'},
                          {   'column': 'vicprice',
                              'name': 'vicprice',
                              'proc_column': 'vicprice_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'numerical'},
                          {   'column': 'vicdemand',
                              'name': 'vicdemand',
                              'proc_column': 'vicdemand_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'numerical'},
                          {   'column': 'transfer',
                              'name': 'transfer',
                              'proc_column': 'transfer_mZFLky',
                              'tied': None,
                              'type': 'numerical'}],
    'output_features': [   {   'column': 'class',
                               'dependencies': [],
                               'loss': {   'class_similarities_temperature': 0,
                                           'class_weights': 1,
                                           'confidence_penalty': 0,
                                           'labels_smoothing': 0,
                                           'robust_lambda': 0,
                                           'type': 'softmax_cross_entropy',
                                           'weight': 1},
                               'name': 'class',
                               'proc_column': 'class_mZFLky',
                               'reduce_dependencies': 'sum',
                               'reduce_input': 'sum',
                               'top_k': 3,
                               'type': 'category'}],
    'preprocessing': {   'audio': {   'audio_feature': {'type': 'raw'},
                                      'audio_file_length_limit_in_s': 7.5,
                                      'in_memory': True,
                                      'missing_value_strategy': 'backfill',
                                      'norm': None,
                                      'padding_value': 0},
                         'bag': {   'fill_value': '<UNK>',
                                    'lowercase': False,
                                    'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const',
                                    'most_common': 10000,
                                    'tokenizer': 'space'},
                         'binary': {   'fill_value': 0,
                                       'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const'},
                         'category': {   'fill_value': '<UNK>',
                                         'lowercase': False,
                                         'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const',
                                         'most_common': 10000},
                         'date': {   'datetime_format': None,
                                     'fill_value': '',
                                     'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const'},
                         'force_split': False,
                         'h3': {   'fill_value': 576495936675512319,
                                   'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const'},
                         'image': {   'in_memory': True,
                                      'missing_value_strategy': 'backfill',
                                      'num_processes': 1,
                                      'resize_method': 'interpolate',
                                      'scaling': 'pixel_normalization'},
                         'numerical': {   'fill_value': 0,
                                          'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const',
                                          'normalization': None},
                         'sequence': {   'fill_value': '<UNK>',
                                         'lowercase': False,
                                         'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const',
                                         'most_common': 20000,
                                         'padding': 'right',
                                         'padding_symbol': '<PAD>',
                                         'sequence_length_limit': 256,
                                         'tokenizer': 'space',
                                         'unknown_symbol': '<UNK>',
                                         'vocab_file': None},
                         'set': {   'fill_value': '<UNK>',
                                    'lowercase': False,
                                    'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const',
                                    'most_common': 10000,
                                    'tokenizer': 'space'},
                         'split_probabilities': (0.7, 0.1, 0.2),
                         'stratify': None,
                         'text': {   'char_most_common': 70,
                                     'char_sequence_length_limit': 1024,
                                     'char_tokenizer': 'characters',
                                     'char_vocab_file': None,
                                     'fill_value': '<UNK>',
                                     'lowercase': True,
                                     'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const',
                                     'padding': 'right',
                                     'padding_symbol': '<PAD>',
                                     'pretrained_model_name_or_path': None,
                                     'unknown_symbol': '<UNK>',
                                     'word_most_common': 20000,
                                     'word_sequence_length_limit': 256,
                                     'word_tokenizer': 'space_punct',
                                     'word_vocab_file': None},
                         'timeseries': {   'fill_value': '',
                                           'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const',
                                           'padding': 'right',
                                           'padding_value': 0,
                                           'timeseries_length_limit': 256,
                                           'tokenizer': 'space'},
                         'vector': {   'fill_value': '',
                                       'missing_value_strategy': 'fill_with_const'}},
    'training': {   'batch_size': 128,
                    'bucketing_field': None,
                    'decay': False,
                    'decay_rate': 0.96,
                    'decay_steps': 10000,
                    'early_stop': 5,
                    'epochs': 100,
                    'eval_batch_size': 0,
                    'gradient_clipping': None,
                    'increase_batch_size_on_plateau': 0,
                    'increase_batch_size_on_plateau_max': 512,
                    'increase_batch_size_on_plateau_patience': 5,
                    'increase_batch_size_on_plateau_rate': 2,
                    'learning_rate': 0.001,
                    'learning_rate_warmup_epochs': 1,
                    'optimizer': {   'beta_1': 0.9,
                                     'beta_2': 0.999,
                                     'epsilon': 1e-08,
                                     'type': 'adam'},
                    'reduce_learning_rate_on_plateau': 0,
                    'reduce_learning_rate_on_plateau_patience': 5,
                    'reduce_learning_rate_on_plateau_rate': 0.5,
                    'regularization_lambda': 0,
                    'regularizer': 'l2',
                    'staircase': False,
                    'validation_field': 'combined',
                    'validation_metric': 'loss'}}
tf_version: '2.4.1'

Using full dataframe
Building dataset (it may take a while)

Log errors:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-441538d59b28> in <module>()
     21 model = LudwigModel(create_dict(label, target), logging_level=logging.INFO)
---> 23 train_stats = model.train(train)
     25 predictions = model.predict(test)

13 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/ in train(self, dataset, training_set, validation_set, test_set, training_set_metadata, data_format, experiment_name, model_name, model_resume_path, skip_save_training_description, skip_save_training_statistics, skip_save_model, skip_save_progress, skip_save_log, skip_save_processed_input, output_directory, random_seed, debug, **kwargs)
    415                     random_seed=random_seed,
    416                     devbug=debug,
--> 417                     **kwargs,
    418                 )
    419                 (training_set,

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/ in preprocess(self, dataset, training_set, validation_set, test_set, training_set_metadata, data_format, skip_save_processed_input, random_seed, debug, **kwargs)
   1259             preprocessing_params=self.config[PREPROCESSING],
   1260             backend=self.backend,
-> 1261             random_seed=random_seed
   1262         )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/data/ in preprocess_for_training(config, dataset, training_set, validation_set, test_set, training_set_metadata, data_format, skip_save_processed_input, preprocessing_params, backend, random_seed)
   1395         preprocessing_params=preprocessing_params,
   1396         backend=backend,
-> 1397         random_seed=random_seed
   1398     )
   1399     training_set, test_set, validation_set, training_set_metadata = processed

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/data/ in preprocess_for_training(features, dataset, training_set, validation_set, test_set, training_set_metadata, skip_save_processed_input, preprocessing_params, backend, random_seed)
    183             preprocessing_params=preprocessing_params,
    184             backend=backend,
--> 185             random_seed=random_seed
    186         )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/data/ in _preprocess_df_for_training(features, dataset, training_set, validation_set, test_set, training_set_metadata, preprocessing_params, backend, random_seed)
   1645         metadata=training_set_metadata,
   1646         random_seed=random_seed,
-> 1647         backend=backend
   1648     )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/data/ in build_dataset(dataset_df, features, global_preprocessing_parameters, metadata, backend, random_seed)
   1013             features,
   1014             global_preprocessing_parameters,
-> 1015             backend
   1016         )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/data/ in build_metadata(dataset_df, features, global_preprocessing_parameters, backend)
   1107                 dataset_df,
   1108                 feature,
-> 1109                 preprocessing_parameters
   1110             )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ludwig/data/ in handle_missing_values(dataset_df, feature, preprocessing_parameters)
   1188     if computed_fill_value is not None:
   1189         dataset_df[feature[COLUMN]] = dataset_df[feature[COLUMN]].fillna(
-> 1190             computed_fill_value,
   1191         )
   1192     elif missing_value_strategy in ['backfill', 'bfill', 'pad', 'ffill']:

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in fillna(self, value, method, axis, inplace, limit, downcast)
   4533             inplace=inplace,
   4534             limit=limit,
-> 4535             downcast=downcast,
   4536         )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in fillna(self, value, method, axis, inplace, limit, downcast)
   6057                 new_data = self._mgr.fillna(
-> 6058                     value=value, limit=limit, inplace=inplace, downcast=downcast
   6059                 )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/ in fillna(self, value, limit, inplace, downcast)
    584     def fillna(self, value, limit, inplace: bool, downcast) -> "BlockManager":
    585         return self.apply(
--> 586             "fillna", value=value, limit=limit, inplace=inplace, downcast=downcast
    587         )

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/ in apply(self, f, align_keys, **kwargs)
    404                 applied = b.apply(f, **kwargs)
    405             else:
--> 406                 applied = getattr(b, f)(**kwargs)
    407             result_blocks = _extend_blocks(applied, result_blocks)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/internals/ in fillna(self, value, limit, inplace, downcast)
   1777     def fillna(self, value, limit=None, inplace=False, downcast=None):
   1778         values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy()
-> 1779         values = values.fillna(value=value, limit=limit)
   1780         return [
   1781             self.make_block_same_class(

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in fillna(self, value, method, limit)
   1719             elif is_hashable(value):
   1720                 if not isna(value) and value not in self.categories:
-> 1721                     raise ValueError("fill value must be in categories")
   1723                 mask = codes == -1

ValueError: fill value must be in categories

Thank you a lot for the support I appreciate, I also hope you have a great Easter holiday

jimthompson5802 commented 3 years ago

@zuliani99 Thank you for the additional info. From the error stack trace, the issue appears to be in the pandas library. I've searched for known issues and there may be some candidate issues. To help me pin down root cause please post a small sample of the train data set that experiences the error. I suggest writing train to a csv and post the csv to this issue. With that I'm hoping to recreate the error on my side.

jimthompson5802 commented 3 years ago

@zuliani99 I took a closer look at your code and I just noticed you're using a packaged sklearn dataset. Ignore my request to post a data set. I should be able to recreate the dataset on my side.

If I'm unable to recreate a dataset, I'll reach back out.

w4nderlust commented 3 years ago

Hi @zuliani99 , after looking into it in detail, your usecase uncovered an issue in the way Ludwig treats the filling on NaN values for pandas category columns. We are working on it to find a clean solution in the codebase, but in the meantime you have a couple workarounds.

  1. you can specify the value to fill the NaNs with for the day feature as one of the possible values of that column, say "Monday", with: { 'column': 'day', 'type': 'category', 'preprocessing': {'fill_value': 'Monday'}}
  2. more simply you can cast the Pandas dataframe column of type "category" to be "object" with train['day'] = train['day'].astype('object') or also "string".
jimthompson5802 commented 3 years ago

@zuliani99 In addition to what @w4nderlust suggested as a short-term work-around, you'll need to remove this line of code:


The close() api is relevant to an earlier version of Ludwig. This api was removed starting in v0.3 and other breaking changes occurred. Please refer to the current API doc for the current API behavior.

zuliani99 commented 3 years ago

All right, @w4nderlust, @jimthompson5802 thank you a lot for the support. With all the changes suggested by you two and other little changes, code finally works. By the way, is suggested to cast categorical features to object features for make ludwig works? And an other question, how can i get the mean accuracy from a classification problem? Should I read the training_statistics.json file from the last api_experiment_run folder created?

Running code:

from ludwig.api import LudwigModel
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
import logging

def create_dict(label, target):
  model = { 'input_features': [], 'output_features': [], 'training':{}}

  for lab in label.columns:
    #print(lab + " " +pd.api.types.infer_dtype(label[lab]))
    t = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(label[lab])

    if t == "floating" or t == "integer":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'numerical'})
    if t == "categorical":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'category'})
    if t == "boolean":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'binary'})
    if t == "string":
      model['input_features'].append({'name': lab, 'type': 'text'})

  t = pd.api.types.infer_dtype(target[target.columns[0]])
  if t == "floating" or t == "integer":
    model['output_features'].append({ 'name': target.columns[0], 'type': 'numerical' })
  if t == "categorical":
    model['output_features'].append({ 'name': target.columns[0], 'type': 'category' })
  if t == "string":
    model['output_features'].append({ 'name': target.columns[0], 'type': 'text' })

  return model

def ludwig(df):
  y = df.iloc[:, -1].to_frame()
  X = df.iloc[:, :-1]

  X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)

  X_train[y_train.columns[0]] = y_train
  #train = X_train.convert_dtypes()

  train['day'] = train['day'].astype('object')
  test['day'] = test['day'].astype('object')




  model = LudwigModel(create_dict(X, y), logging_level=logging.INFO)

  train_stats = model.train(dataset=train, logging_level=logging.INFO)

  return model.predict(test)

X, y = fetch_openml(data_id=151, as_frame=True, return_X_y=True, cache=True)
y = y.to_frame()
X[y.columns[0]] = y
df = X
res = ludwig(df)
jimthompson5802 commented 3 years ago

@zuliani99 re: reporting on accuracy.

I suggest you look at Ludwig visualizations. This link shows the example of the compare_performance report. This link describes the Ludwig api to generate that report from a Python program. This link is an example Jupyter notebook illustrating how to call the Ludwig visualization apis.

If the standard Ludwig visualizations are not sufficient for your purposes, it is possible, as you suggest, to read the train/test .json files to extract out metrics. Here is an example of extracting metrics from the .json files and using seaborn/matplotlib to display the results.