lue-bird / elm-review-missing-record-field-lens

elm-review: helper generation
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Adds elm-review --fix code generators for generating 'Optional's for … #2

Closed erlandsona closed 2 years ago

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

…Constructors of a Sum type.

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

Should this additional rule live under this package name? It might be a bit unfindable? (Unless the repo becomes a go-to for codegen rules 😁 )

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

@Janiczek Sorry, we only discussed this privately: The final solution is me publishing generate-elm with everything you could want (field helper functions, lenses, prisms, conversions, svg, html, ... lots of stuff) regarding code-gen. (It's currently under construction and the public gh repo is way behind what's actually been built)

This PR which I'll merge into record-field-lens is only supposed to be a temporary solution to not pollute packages.

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Ah... and as you see, I'll have to do some cleaning-up, restoring the package state to what was last published, as it seems like I've made some breaking changes that were pushed before I started elm-generate :shrug: (if anyone is willing to do it before me, go ahead 👀)

erlandsona commented 2 years ago


(if anyone is willing to do it before me, go ahead 👀) Just pushed an update, not sure that was the only thing but should work?

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

~There are still a couple of things, names of tests etc. different.. Working from the previous published tagged version would I help I assume~ Should work now

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

~1 error: Test CheckPrismsWork uses makeOneToN but imports makeOneToN_~ Corrected to makeOneToN_

lue-bird commented 2 years ago


erlandsona commented 2 years ago



  • constructors → variants?
  • custom types → type unions / variant types?

Not a fan of Variant coming from ReasonML... it's not necessarily clearer just cause it's different... also variant is the description of a type not it's constructors. In Reason you'd still have a "Variant Type w/ Constructors" 🤷‍♂️

Elm people usually refer to Sum types as "Custom Types" in my experience. But the pattern has so many synonyms I think we're screwed no matter where we end up.

Also Elm has tagged union's not unions (aka: structural typing) which would be type IntyString = String | Int which is not expressible in Elm. In TS to get proper tagged unions (aka: nominal typing) like in Elm you have to

type NominalThingy<A> = {type: "Just", data: A } | {type: "Nothing"}

// with constructors
const just = (data: A): NominalThingy<A> => ({type: "Just", data})
const nothing: NominalThingy<A> = {type: "Nothing"}

IIRC They're called "constructors" because they're functions Just : a -> Maybe a that "construct" a "type". Or at least that's how I read all this stuff 🤷

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Correct, union type would be too broad, as elm only has tagged unions. Constructor (and custom type) feel like too broad terms as well. One is just a function that creates a thing, (the other sounds just like a non-core type)

variant is the description of a type not it's constructors

Yes and no. elm calls the possible tagged possibilities of a type variants, see the terms on the guide:

Another benefit of this approach is that each variant can have different associated data

And I like naming the whole thing a variant/choice type as that's what it is

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

I'm not fixated, though, if you strongly disagree. Custom type is fine, as the official guide calls it that, too

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

Nah re the guide you're super right 😅 ugh that's mildly annoying lol... But totally down to change to Variant & Choice? That's new to but hey I'm down. Yeh change as you see fit. Long as the tests pass should work just fine...

Also if you figure out how to account for the imports that'd be neat too!

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

~Already implemented in my code-gen-AST version at generate-elm, so I won't reimplement some ad-hoc import mechanism now.~ I misunderstood. You just want to add an import line? If NoMissingRecordFieldLens already supports that, copy it over or create a shared helper

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Also, I haven't completely looked through the code... But is the prefixing necessary/should it be more configurable? ... Don't mind me, it's probably fine as it is... ?

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

By prefixing you mean the c_ thing, yeh unfortunately... I put a line in the module doc about it. It's unavoidable. Can't use capital letters or as the first letter of a function name so "c" for constructor (change it to "v" for variant of you prefer that naming convention) and "" because Haskell's lens lib uses underscore for prisms like _Just & _Left... And because the underscore just felt more spacious 😅

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Should prisms be generated for variants with 0 values attached? (in other words: Is making checks like is variantErr reason enough?)

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Also, I will rewrite the rule to generate only prisms that are actually used – just like NoMissingRecordFieldLens

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Also, because we can't generate prisms in modules of package dependencies, I will use the hierarchy Result.Variant.Ok, creating a separate module for the helpers. Special case which I might not implement: generate prisms for a module internal type

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

RE: should it (prefix) be more configurable? Didn't even cross my mind but that's a great idea!

RE: Should prisms be generated for variants with 0 values attached? Not really a good justification for that I think because lenses/prisms are for accessing nested data... Think of it like trying to access something inside Unit? Does that make sense? If it does I can't really think of a use case for it.

RE: Also, because we can't generate prisms in modules of package dependencies, I will use the hierarchy Result.Variant.Ok, creating a separate module for the helpers.

Personally, I hate how much bloat there is in import statements in Elm already...

There's 2 solutions here... One is update elm-accessors with prisms for all the types in Base. Maybe is already covered but I started working on like JSON? Didn't think to add result but those are a few could be added that way they don't need codegen and they'll get dead code eliminated if they're not used.

Two, personally I'd prefer they get generated into a single leaf file so I can import prisms generated for a custom type for a library (let's say Tree)

At work we codegen all our Lenses into an import Gen.Lens as Lens I wouldn't mind adding a import Gen.Prism as Prism

Tho 🤔

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Grouping variant prisms into one module is a good idea for package types, it might not be for application types where it leads to import cycles if the modules containing the type use it themselves and leads to a structure which is less nice. Personally, I also like the visual distinction Stack.Variant.topDown vs Variant.stack_TopDown

What exactly do you dislike this much about longer import sections? I basically never find myself looking at them. Is missing IDE support the reason or is it somth. else?

(Unrelated: For both solutions, I like that prisms are always created locally just like lenses so that every user can use its own lens lib and isn't bound to package changes etc.)

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

RE: package types, which is what you mentioned when you said Result. I'm assuming stuff in Base is "package" which is why I suggested I'll just write those prisms and expose them from elm-accessors. But for library's that don't already expose prisms for their constructors (well one reason may be that the Constructors are opaque) but otherwise I wouldn't want to pollute the module namespace just for the sake of continuity with the library... It's not that "lot's of imports" bothers me in practice (well it sort of does...) It's that I think most people don't have "code folding" as a basic part of their editor workflow so while sure you can just scroll down past the imports (and I do) it is somewhat annoying that the first thing I see when I open up a >1000 LOC module that the first page of text is just imports 😅

Prisms have to be generated next to the type their operating over because we don't have "extensible variants" like OCaml or ReasonML have. We generate Lenses all in the same module so we can re-use the same "name" lens for a Person, User, Admin, Group, record. Which means our lens file grows sub-linearly with the number of field names in the project (which is great cause it means our codegen never gets that big like it can in C#)

With Prisms there's a much more targeted use case, being like Route Parser or JSON manipulation or something and you can have two sun types with the same constructors in scope in the same module so generating Prisms inline with the type definition is ideal.

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

Also just added ok & err Prisms to elm-accessors.

Not sure if I should name it with the codegen prefix or not given it's mapping to stuff available in elm/core? 🤔

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

I'd prefix those that aren't implicitly imported (which Result(..) is).

So your editor doesn't save and restore the view range of a file on exit? Is that a common thing / will that bother many people?

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Also, I wouldn't call it polluting if you put it in the generated filed in source-directories like source-generated. What I will admit: It's annoying to require users to create a new module for every module with types that have variant prisms you're using... → created an issue in elm-review.

If you don't have a solution in mind for the import structure problem, I'd still go finish implementing the route (expect completion of the rule + config + tests etc. in about 3 days)

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

I'd prefix those that aren't implicitly imported (which Result(..) is). Cool, we're on the same page then. So leaving prefixes off ok & err.

So your editor doesn't save and restore the view range of a file on exit? I use vim, and I'm sure I could configure that but it's not something I've looked into? Should prolly just look into it tho 😅 route (expect completion of the rule + config + tests etc. in about 3 days) I don't usually set deadlines / expectations on open source work 😅

That said, I still think should just be src/Gen/Prism.elm

module Gen.Prism exposing (c_Variant1_A, c_Variant1_B, c_Variant2_A, c_Variant2_B)

import Package exposing (Type1(Variant1_A, Variant1_B), Type2(Variant2_A, Variant2_B)

Then at the call sites instead of

import Package.Variant1 exposing (c_Variant1_A, c_Variant1_B)
import Package.Variant2 exposing (c_Variant2_A, c_Variant2_B)

You'd just have

import Gen.Lens as Lens
import Gen.Prism as Prism

-- then later you couldj
get (Lens.remoteAddresses << Prism.c_GotData << at 2 << -- : Maybe Int

That's just how I'm seeing things but do what you will 👍

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

I think we misunderstood each other: Not every type but every module will receive its own prisms:

module Package.Variant exposing (a, b, aOther, bOther)

import Package exposing (Type(A, B), TypeOther(AOther, BOther))

Then at the call sites

import Package.Variant -- no exposing
import Field

get (Field.remoteAddresses << Package.Variant.gotData << at 2 << -- : Maybe Int
lue-bird commented 2 years ago

And the ~deadline~ time approximation is more about setting expectations :dart:

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

And I think regardless, I love what we're doing here so lookin' forward to seein' whatever you come up with! 🤘

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

I changed generation module names


like onEach. Thoughts? How about onJust, onOk, onErr naming in your package?

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Rule code, readme, preview configs, ... are now pushed to github. Some bugs still need to be found, tho :)

erlandsona commented 2 years ago

I kinda like on[Variant] a lot actually... 🤘

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

If you have any examples of using those variant prisms in practice, go ahead and add them to the readme through a PR

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Some updates

Take all of that and configure a rule like

    |> VariantPrism.GenerateUsed.inVariantOriginModuleDotSuffix "Extra.Local"
    |> VariantPrism.GenerateUsed.importGenerationModuleAsOriginModule
    |> VariantPrism.GenerateUsed.rule

elm-review generates on

-- [generated] import Data.Extra.Local as DataX
someUsage = DataX.onSuccess |or| Data.Extra.Local.onSuccess
erlandsona commented 2 years ago

If you have any examples of using those variant prisms in practice, go ahead and add them to the readme through a PR

@lue-bird I built this generator to be able to work with elm-url-codec without n+1 name generation like from @Janiczek's fork of this polluting. This is specific to people already bought in on this approach tho which is why @Janiczek's version of this makes more sense for more people.


myCodec =
    Url.Codec.succeed CommentPage (is onComment) -- is : Lens -> Bool from erlandsona extra accessors
        |> Url.Codec.s "post"
        |> Url.Codec.string (get (onComment << Lens.pageSlug)) -- `get` + generated onVariant << regular lens
        |> Url.Codec.s "page"
        |> (get (onComment << Lens.pageNumber)) -- same as above
lue-bird commented 2 years ago

I see. I'm a bit surprised @Janiczek hasn't gone for the safer elm-codec / elm-serialize / elm-value / ... approach:

    (\commentPageDecode ... page ->
        case page of
            CommentPage commentPage ->
                commentPage |> commentPageDecode

            Page... ->
                yellowEncoder f
    |> Url.Codec.variant CommentPage
        (\commentVariant ->
                |> Url.Codec.s "post"
                |> Url.Codec.string .pageSlug
                |> Url.Codec.s "page"
                |> .pageNumber
    |> Url.Codec.variant Comment... (\... -> ...)
    |> Url.Codec.variantUnionComplete

or at least

Url.Codec.succeed CommentPage (Page.onCommentPage |> get)
    |> Url.Codec.s "post"
    |> Url.Codec.string .pageSlug
    |> Url.Codec.s "page"
    |> .pageNumber

but I haven't looked deeper into the package to know if that's even possible with urls, so :shrug:

lue-bird commented 2 years ago

Rather seems like an anti-example of how prisms cover up bad API decisions (if that's the case here)