lueschem / edi

Embedded development infrastructure.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Debootstrap fails to create ../rootfs/test-dev-null during lxc container creation process #47

Open kyukimchan opened 5 years ago

kyukimchan commented 5 years ago

Issue Type

Environment detail

sh -x << EOF
cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

python3 --version
Python 3.5.3

ansible-playbook --version
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = Default w/o overrides

lxc --version

dpkg -l | grep "\(lxd\|ansible\)"
ii  ansible                                                             all          Configuration management, deployment, and task execution system

Desired Behaviour

No error.

Actual Behaviour (Bug report only).

Please note that the failing folder is not encrypted. But it is on a RAID10 setup. This failure does not occur when I use a folder outside of the RAID drive. Please see console output below.. kyukim@Ryzen7:~/my-first-edi-project$ sudo edi -v lxc configure my-first-edi-container my-project-develop.yml [sudo] password for kyukim: INFO:root:Load time dictionary: edi_configuration_name: my-project-develop edi_configure_remote_target: false edi_create_distributable_image: false edi_current_user_gid: 1000 edi_current_user_host_home_directory: /home/kyukim edi_current_user_name: kyukim edi_current_user_ssh_pub_keys:

INFO:root:Using base configuration file 'my-project-develop.yml' INFO:root:Using overlay configuration file 'configuration/overlay/' INFO:root:Merged configuration: bootstrap: architecture: amd64 repository: deb stretch main repository_key: tool: debootstrap general: edi_compression: gz edi_required_minimal_edi_version: 1.1.0 parameters: {} lxc_profiles: 100_lxc_networking: path: lxc_profiles/general/lxc_networking/default_interface.yml 200_default_root_device: path: lxc_profiles/general/default_root_device/default_root_device.yml lxc_templates: 100_etc_hostname: path: lxc_templates/debian/hostname/hostname.yml 200_etc_hosts: path: lxc_templates/debian/hosts/hosts.yml playbooks: 100_base_system: parameters: create_default_user: true install_openssh_server: true path: playbooks/debian/base_system/main.yml 200_development_user_facilities: path: playbooks/debian/development_user_facilities/main.yml 300_sample_playbook: path: playbooks/sample_playbook/main.yml 900_base_system_cleanup: path: playbooks/debian/base_system_cleanup/main.yml postprocessing_commands: 100_sample_command: output: sample_output: my-project-develop.result parameters: message: We could do something useful within this command! path: postprocessing_commands/sample_command/custom_command qemu: {} shared_folders: edi_workspace: folder: edi-workspace mountpoint: edi-workspace

Going to bootstrap initial image - be patient. INFO:root:Running command: ['debootstrap', '--arch=amd64', '--variant=minbase', '--include=python,sudo,netbase,net-tools,iputils-ping,ifupdown,isc-dhcp-client,resolvconf,systemd,systemd-sysv,gnupg', '--components=main', '--force-check-gpg', '--keyring=/home/kyukim/my-first-edi-project/tmpeemtv_sf/temp_keyring.gpg', 'stretch', '/home/kyukim/my-first-edi-project/tmpeemtv_sf/rootfs', ''] /usr/sbin/debootstrap: 1454: /usr/sbin/debootstrap: cannot create /home/kyukim/my-first-edi-project/tmpeemtv_sf/rootfs/test-dev-null: Permission denied E: Cannot install into target '/home/kyukim/my-first-edi-project/tmpeemtv_sf/rootfs' mounted with noexec or nodev Error: Command '['debootstrap', '--arch=amd64', '--variant=minbase', '--include=python,sudo,netbase,net-tools,iputils-ping,ifupdown,isc-dhcp-client,resolvconf,systemd,systemd-sysv,gnupg', '--components=main', '--force-check-gpg', '--keyring=/home/kyukim/my-first-edi-project/tmpeemtv_sf/temp_keyring.gpg', 'stretch', '/home/kyukim/my-first-edi-project/tmpeemtv_sf/rootfs', '']' returned non-zero exit status 1 For more information increase the log level. kyukim@Ryzen7:~/my-first-edi-project$

lueschem commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue!

I also saw a similar behavior on one of my PCs. There the home folder was encrypted and mounted with nodev. In that case debootstrap is unable to create the required devices (it reports E: Cannot install into target *** mounted with noexec or nodev).

To solve this issue you have several options:

Since this issue seems to affect multiple users, I should probably generate a dedicated hint when edi hits this debootstrap corner case. Alternatively, I could also try to debootstrap e.g. in /var/lib/... .