luethi / Discharge_Optical_Measurement

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Manual Wiki #5

Closed naroberto closed 6 years ago

naroberto commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if I understand the second part of this this sentence from the Wiki correctly: ->Can you see the shore on both sides of the river/canal can it be approximated as a planar surface.<- Does it mean the shore on both sides of the river/canal should be straight and span a plane? Thanks robert

luethi commented 7 years ago

yes, at leasst to a good approximation. At the end of the day, that is what the app will assume. Formally speaking: for the app all d(.)/dx =0. I let you close this ticket, if the answer satisfies you

bosnjak commented 7 years ago

@naroberto if there's nothing more to add here, please close this ticket. Thanks!