lufficc / SSD

High quality, fast, modular reference implementation of SSD in PyTorch
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BUG: UserWarning: No NMS is available. Please upgrade torchvision to 0.3.0+ #226

Open xmdszzz opened 3 months ago

xmdszzz commented 3 months ago

The TorchVision's version check uses dictionary order. When the version number is '0.17.0+cpu', an incorrect judgment occurs, causing the code to enter the else branch, throwing an error and interrupting the program abnormally. incorrect code in ssd/utils/

if torchvision.__version__ >= '0.3.0':
    _nms = torchvision.ops.nms
    warnings.warn('No NMS is available. Please upgrade torchvision to 0.3.0+')

my suggestion is import package : packaging, and than:

from packaging import version
if version.parse(torchvision.__version__) >= version.parse('0.3.0'):
    _nms = torchvision.ops.nms
    warnings.warn('No NMS is available. Please upgrade torchvision to 0.3.0+')
ax1an9 commented 3 months ago

I think this works.