lugg / react-native-config

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The app is always running in release mode after the RN upgrade from 0.71.7 to 0.72.3 #767

Open arthedza opened 10 months ago

arthedza commented 10 months ago

I use the multi-env config. After the RN upgrade, the app always runs in release mode when I start it from VSCode (ENVFILE=.env.local react-native run-ios). Since it is release build the Metro bundler shows the following warning:

warn No apps connected. Sending "reload" to all React Native apps failed. Make sure your app is running in the simulator or on a phone connected via USB.

But once I run the application from the XCode (also using multiple schemes: "Myapp (local) scheme") it is running in the development mode and I can reload the app or open the dev menu from Metro.

Please ask, if you need any additional information I will try to provide it

arthedza commented 10 months ago

Since the 0.72 version ships with React Native CLI v11, there might be some breaking changes. Everything work fine (in Debug mode) if I run the app in the following way:

"ENVFILE=.env.local react-native run-ios --mode \"Debug\""

I explicitly set the mode arg (former variant arg) to "Debug" as a value.

100sarthak100 commented 5 months ago

@arthedza Did you find any solution for this?