luigi311 / JellyPlex-Watched

Sync watched between jellyfin and plex locally
GNU General Public License v3.0
366 stars 19 forks source link

[Feature Request] Possible to reduce re-marks? #158

Open Skyl3lazer opened 3 months ago

Skyl3lazer commented 3 months ago

I don't know the workflow for the script so I can't point to a way to do this, but it would be nice if there was a less spammy way to do the sync. Right now each user's entire watch history is marked in the other application every time it runs, which takes a lot of time for even a few users.

Maybe a mode that only marks something as watched once? It's pretty rare for users to mark something un-watched again, so if something has been marked watched once I'd be happy with a mode that just wouldn't look at that item for that user again.

luigi311 commented 3 months ago

I can add something that checks the mark log so it skips over already marked items but this probably wont speed things up much it would be more for handling cases where a user unmarks in one server and doesnt want it to be remarked on the next run.