luigifcruz / CyberEther

Multi-platform GPU-accelerated interface for compute-intensive pipelines. Radio, the final frontier.
MIT License
407 stars 14 forks source link

Unable to build on macOS #35

Closed erikt closed 1 year ago

erikt commented 1 year ago

I am unable to get CyberEther to build on macOS. The documentation is sparse, but following the results in build seemingly stalled with this output:

↳ ninja -j`nproc`
[23/87] Generating subprojects/jetstream/shaders/waterfall_signal.frag.wgsl with a custom command   


↳ sw_vers 
ProductName:        macOS
ProductVersion:     14.0
BuildVersion:       23A344


↳ clang --version
Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)
Target: arm64-apple-darwin23.0.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Applications/


↳ xcodebuild -version 
Xcode 15.0
Build version 15A240d


↳ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType 

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: Mac mini
      Model Identifier: Macmini9,1
      Model Number: MGNT3KS/A
      Chip: Apple M1
      Total Number of Cores: 8 (4 performance and 4 efficiency)
      Memory: 8 GB
      System Firmware Version: 10151.1.1
      OS Loader Version: 10151.1.1

meson output:

↳ HERE=`pwd`
~/Developer/3rd_party/CyberEther (main)
↳ meson setup $HERE $HERE/build
The Meson build system
Version: 1.2.1
Source dir: /Users/erik/Developer/3rd_party/CyberEther
Build dir: /Users/erik/Developer/3rd_party/CyberEther/build
Build type: native build
Project name: cyberether
Project version: 0.0.0
C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (clang 15.0.0 "Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)")
C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld64 1015.7
Host machine cpu family: aarch64
Host machine cpu: aarch64
Run-time dependency threads found: YES

Executing subproject jetstream 

jetstream| Project name: jetstream
jetstream| Project version: 0.1.0
jetstream| C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (clang 15.0.0 "Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)")
jetstream| C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld64 1015.7
jetstream| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
jetstream| Found pkg-config: /opt/homebrew/bin/pkg-config (0.29.2)
jetstream| Run-time dependency fmt found: YES 10.1.0
jetstream| Run-time dependency CUDA (modules: cudart, dl) found: NO (tried system)
jetstream| Run-time dependency fftw3f found: YES 3.3.10
jetstream| Run-time dependency appleframeworks found: YES (MetalKit, Metal, Foundation)
jetstream| Program glslangValidator found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/glslangValidator)
jetstream| Program spirv-cross found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/spirv-cross)
jetstream| Program python3 found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/python3)
jetstream| Run-time dependency glfw3 found: YES 3.3.8
jetstream| Run-time dependency soapysdr found: YES 0.8.1
jetstream| Run-time dependency vulkan found: NO (tried pkgconfig and system)
jetstream| Program glslangValidator found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/glslangValidator)
jetstream| Program python3 found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/python3)
jetstream| Program glslangValidator found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/glslangValidator)
jetstream| Program python3 found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/python3)
jetstream| Program glslangValidator found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/glslangValidator)
jetstream| Program spirv-cross found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/spirv-cross)
jetstream| Program naga found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/naga)
jetstream| Program python3 found: YES (/opt/homebrew/bin/python3)
jetstream| Objective-C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (clang 15.0.0)
jetstream| Objective-C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld64 1015.7
jetstream| Configuring jetstream_config.hh using configuration
jetstream| Build targets in project: 36
jetstream| Subproject jetstream finished.

Build targets in project: 37

jetstream 0.1.0

    CUDA      : NO
    FFTW      : YES
    Metal     : YES
    GLFW      : YES
    SoapySDR  : YES
    Vulkan    : NO
    WebGPU    : NO

  Backend (Compute)
    CPU       : YES
    CUDA      : NO
    Metal     : YES
    Vulkan    : NO
    WebGPU    : NO

    GLFW      : YES
    iOS       : NO

  Render (Present)
    Metal     : YES
    Vulkan    : NO
    WebGPU    : NO

  FFT Module
    Metal     : YES

  Window Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Multiply Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Amplitude Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Scale Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Filter Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Soapy Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Lineplot Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Waterfall Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Spectrogram Module
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

  Constellation Module
    CPU       : YES

  Graph Backend
    CPU       : YES
    Metal     : YES

    cpp_std   : c++20
    prefix    : /opt/homebrew
    buildtype : debug
    crossbuild: NO

cyberether 0.0.0

    cpp_std   : c++20
    prefix    : /opt/homebrew
    buildtype : debug
    crossbuild: NO

    jetstream : YES

Found ninja-1.11.1 at /opt/homebrew/bin/ninja
luigifcruz commented 1 year ago

That's weird. Never saw the build process hanging and I can't find anything wrong with the logs. Can you try to compile the development branch instead?

erikt commented 1 year ago

Same result.

Trying to debug the issue, I ran what seems like the command where it hangs:

↳ /opt/homebrew/bin/glslangValidator -V -S vert ../shaders/spectrogram/signal.vert.glsl -o shaders/spectrogram_signal.vert.spv 


↳ /opt/homebrew/bin/glslangValidator -V -S frag ../shaders/spectrogram/signal.frag.glsl -o shaders/spectrogram_signal.frag.spv 

Seems to work.

luigifcruz commented 1 year ago

Are any WGSL files being generated at build/shaders/? Maybe naga is hanging.

erikt commented 1 year ago
↳ tree shaders 
├── constellation
├── constellation_shaders.hh
├── constellation_signal.frag.msl
├── constellation_signal.frag.spv
├── constellation_signal.vert.msl
├── constellation_signal.vert.spv
├── lineplot
├── lineplot_grid.frag.msl
├── lineplot_grid.frag.spv
├── lineplot_grid.vert.msl
├── lineplot_grid.vert.spv
├── lineplot_shaders.hh
├── lineplot_signal.frag.msl
├── lineplot_signal.frag.spv
├── lineplot_signal.vert.msl
├── lineplot_signal.vert.spv
├── spectrogram
├── spectrogram_signal.frag.msl
├── spectrogram_signal.frag.spv
├── spectrogram_signal.vert.msl
├── spectrogram_signal.vert.spv
└── waterfall

5 directories, 18 files
erikt commented 1 year ago

What's naga?

luigifcruz commented 1 year ago

Naga is a shader translation tool for WebGPU. Looks like this is your problem. Try uninstalling it with Brew (brew uninstall naga-cli) and running the compilation again.

I'm not sure if I understand the root cause but this should solve your problems.

erikt commented 1 year ago

Ah. I actually think the problem was that naga-cli was not installed. I installed it with brew and the build works. Thanks for the help.

luigifcruz commented 12 months ago

For completeness, this bug was fixed in 4b9350d217e1834838aa20aa8a70ef50b86d3530.