luigifcruz / Raspberry-Pi-RFID

A based RC522 RFID Reader Demo for Raspberry Pi
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Web Server Running, but RFID not detecting #1

Open ashutoshpw opened 8 years ago

jflowers1974 commented 8 years ago

Can you provide more information. Does the RFID work using other software (for example - just ruling out a hardware issue.)

rguedes commented 8 years ago

i have the same problem.

rc522 and expressjs not compatible

zerocoldprod commented 8 years ago

I have the same problem with Raspberry Pi 3

juanibracamonte commented 7 years ago

This did not work. ERROR in res.sendfile.... please help!

shooonas commented 7 years ago

@juanibracamonte What Pi are you using? What I read (and also tried) there are no solutions for using this on RPi3, yet.

ConnorMcF commented 7 years ago

Try changing res.sendfile to res.sendFile, since the prior is deprecated.

KiltzX commented 5 years ago

I tried to do it using pi0w, and I had the same problem