luigifreda / pyslam

pySLAM is a Visual SLAM pipeline in Python for monocular, stereo and RGBD cameras. It supports many modern local and global features based on Deep Learning.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.9k stars 337 forks source link

Installing all in python virtual env on ubuntu 20.04 #36

Closed kevkid closed 4 years ago

kevkid commented 4 years ago

If you get this error using opencv 4.x as found here:

pyslam/thirdparty/orbslam2_features/ORBextractor.h:26:10: fatal error: opencv/cv.h: No such file or directory
   26 | #include <opencv/cv.h>

just go to the file ORBextractor.h and comment out the include using //#include

If you run into this error: Building CXX object python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/g2o.cpp.o ........ make[2]: [python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/build.make:63:python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/g2o.cpp.o] error 1 make[1]: [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1345:python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/all] error 2 make: *** [Makefile:130:all] error 2

The fix is found here by doing this:

        .def("x", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::x)
        .def("y", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::y)
        .def("z", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::z)
        .def("w", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::w)

in g2opy/python/core/eigen_types.h to:

        .def("x", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.x(); })
        .def("y", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.y(); })
        .def("z", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.z(); })
        .def("w", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.w(); })

Also you may have issues installing opencv-contrib so you also need to install some stuff via pip manually: pip3 install scipy opencv-contrib-python termcolor ordered_set matplotlib pygame pyopengl

This got it to build and run except for this error:

(pyslam) ~/pyslam$ python3 -O
 WARNING: cannot import SuperPointFeature2D from feature_superpoint, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import TfeatFeature2D from feature_tfeat, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import HardnetFeature2D from feature_hardnet, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import GeodescFeature2D from feature_geodesc, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import SosnetFeature2D from feature_sosnet, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import L2NetFeature2D from feature_l2net, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import LogpolarFeature2D from feature_logpolar, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import D2NetFeature2D from feature_d2net, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import DelfFeature2D from feature_delf, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import ContextDescFeature2D from feature_contextdesc, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import LfNetFeature2D from feature_lfnet, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import R2d2Feature2D from feature_r2d2, check the file
 WARNING: cannot import KeyNetDescFeature2D from feature_keynet, check the file
importing pygame
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community.
initialising pygame
Processing Video Input
num frames:  1206
fps:  29.836205991321275
tracker_config:  {'num_features': 2000, 'num_levels': 8, 'scale_factor': 1.2, 'detector_type': <FeatureDetectorTypes.ORB2: 7>, 'descriptor_type': <FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB2: 5>, 'match_ratio_test': 0.7, 'tracker_type': <FeatureTrackerTypes.DES_BF: 1>}
num_levels:  8
using opencv  4.4.0
Using Orbslam2Feature2D
 using same detector and descriptor object:  ORB2
num_levels:  8
Process Process-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/", line 315, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/multiprocessing/", line 108, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/home/user/pyslam/", line 84, in viewer_thread
    self.viewer_init(kViewportWidth, kViewportHeight)
  File "/home/user/pyslam/", line 92, in viewer_init
    pangolin.CreateWindowAndBind('Map Viewer', w, h)
AttributeError: module 'pangolin' has no attribute 'CreateWindowAndBind'

looks like the pangolin didn't build:

make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/_pangolin.dir/build.make:999: src/CMakeFiles/_pangolin.dir/video/drivers/ffmpeg.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:516: src/CMakeFiles/_pangolin.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:152: all] Error 2
luigifreda commented 4 years ago

I added an install procedure that is specific for Ubuntu 20.04. Check here. Let me know if it works for you.

In particular, move into the experimental branch ubuntu20

$ git checkout ubuntu20  

and then follow the instructions for creating a new virtual environment pyslam described here.

alexriedel1 commented 3 years ago

Anyone else having problem building pangolin, this helped me:

additionally, the name of pangolin is pypangolin in the ubuntu checkout,. this should be renamed to panoglin..