Closed kevkid closed 4 years ago
Anyone else having problem building pangolin, this helped me:
additionally, the name of pangolin is pypangolin in the ubuntu checkout,. this should be renamed to panoglin..
If you get this error using opencv 4.x as found here:
just go to the file ORBextractor.h and comment out the include using //#include
If you run into this error: Building CXX object python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/g2o.cpp.o ........ make[2]: [python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/build.make:63:python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/g2o.cpp.o] error 1 make[1]: [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1345:python/CMakeFiles/g2o.dir/all] error 2 make: *** [Makefile:130:all] error 2
The fix is found here by doing this:
in g2opy/python/core/eigen_types.h to:
Also you may have issues installing opencv-contrib so you also need to install some stuff via pip manually:
pip3 install scipy opencv-contrib-python termcolor ordered_set matplotlib pygame pyopengl
This got it to build and run except for this error:
looks like the pangolin didn't build: