luigimannoni / stadia-controller-flasher

Utility for flashing Stadia Controllers
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Deminify flashing logic code (help wanted) #4

Open luigimannoni opened 1 year ago

luigimannoni commented 1 year ago

Picking up slowly, sadly flashing stuff is not within my keys skills so maybe someone seasoned can pick this task up and strip out/deminify or refactor the flashing logic inside the src/app.js file.

luigimannoni commented 1 year ago

@GaryOderNichts has documented nicely into a blog post the flashing process of the app, perhaps deminification is not needed and can be written from scratch again.

The repository is written in python, but I guess can be re-adapted to run in javascript.

GaryOderNichts commented 1 year ago

Looks like an interesting project, good luck! Note that my repository is not a 100% accurate re-implementation of the flashing website. Feel free to reach out of you have any questions.

kwuite commented 1 year ago

@luigimannoni why would you want to move the python code to javascript and restrict yourself to the Chrome > 108 dependency?What if Chrome stops supporting this feature as well? Wouldn't FastAPI + the stadia python code and HTMX + some class-less css framework not suit the needs of your project?

luigimannoni commented 1 year ago

@kwuite I don't have a strong opinion right now until we know what or what is not possible to do with the controllers and haven't set anything in stone for the long run, I think my main objective here is to have a clone of the stadia flashing site fully working online without any server-side logic and the flashing utility fully de-minified to have a better understanding. As for vite/react is just personal preference on refactoring speed vs future-proofness.

I think investing time in writing a new thing from scratch right now doesn't have a lot of sense until the community finds out how to build custom firmwares, but yes I hear you - there are plenty of tools that are more future-proof and reliable than a static frontend site Gary's repo is an excellent example of an offline utility and I'd prefer people use his scripts over mine for offline flashing.

Happy to hear suggestions :)

kwuite commented 1 year ago

@luigimannoni thanks for the reply once again. Not sure where I can help now but if you need anything just ping me here ;)