luis-almeida / filtrify

Beautiful advanced tag filtering with HTML5 and jQuery
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Match option added #3

Closed taytus closed 12 years ago

taytus commented 12 years ago

This allows to filter only those option that has at least 1 match :)

luis-almeida commented 12 years ago

It's as simple as that to add that feature, but i still have to think about it because in case there are no matches they will all be hidden but the search box will still visible and active. In terms of layout I don't know if that's good. But thanks! :)

taytus commented 12 years ago

No problem. I needed that functionality, and I bet a lot of people won't like to scroll between options that are not valid. Hiding the search bar when there is 0 matches is super easy. Either way, thanks for the library :D

luis-almeida commented 12 years ago

I'm not saying I won't add it but I think I should also "disable" or do something to the search box too and I still have to think about that.

But thanks for your feedback! :)