I know you have an example of how to reset all filters on a page, but how about resetting just the filters in a given category? Let's say I have three categories like you have in your Movies example (http://luis-almeida.github.io/filtrify/movies.html). My ideal implementation is this:
Click a filter to add it
Rather than adding the filter name to the top of the list as is the current action, add a "Reset" button
Once the reset button is clicked, it resets ONLY the filters in that given category, leaving the other two categories alone. So, if I want to reset my Genre but keep the Director, I can do that.
At the moment, with the examples you have and poking around myself a bit, I've only been able to produce the "Reset All" example you provide. Any chance of an added feature for those points above?
I know you have an example of how to reset all filters on a page, but how about resetting just the filters in a given category? Let's say I have three categories like you have in your Movies example (http://luis-almeida.github.io/filtrify/movies.html). My ideal implementation is this:
At the moment, with the examples you have and poking around myself a bit, I've only been able to produce the "Reset All" example you provide. Any chance of an added feature for those points above?