luisDanielRoviraContreras / flutter_iconsax

iconsax for flutter package
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How do I use broken variant of certain icon? #2

Open mandar-bhide opened 3 years ago

mandar-bhide commented 3 years ago

I want to use broken variants of icons but unable to find proper syntax.

rpekarek-tc commented 3 years ago

Same question for bold variant

sir-adam-smith commented 2 years ago

Looking for the same!

alirezat66 commented 2 years ago

looking for the same

zhouyg1992 commented 1 year ago

looking for the same.

rowend36 commented 1 year ago

I figured it out on my own. The number suffixes represent variants ie linear, bold, bulk, outline, twotone and broken.

The bold variant is gotten by attaching suffix 5 to the name eg the bold variant of Iconsax.home is Iconsax.home5.

Numbers 2 and 3 are invisible (TwoTone and Broken variants).

4 seems to be Outline variant but it also disappears sometimes.

Finally, 1 is Bulk variant but the lighter shade is rendered as invisible so it is also unusable for now.

Alternatively, you can check out ficonsax which also has the Bold and Outlined variants but in easy to find classes. If I can, I intend to add Broken later.