luisbocanegra / plasma-panel-spacer-extended

Spacer with Mouse gestures for the KDE Plasma Panel featuring Latte Dock/Gnome/Unity drag window gesture. Run any shortcut, command, application or URL/file with up to ten configurable mouse actions.
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Actions are missing, instead it's showing me undefined #40

Open vpsone opened 2 weeks ago

vpsone commented 2 weeks ago


Even I'm searching something, it's showing me blank image

I am using latest version.

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

You need to change the qdbus executable name to match the one in your system:


Qdbus is needed to get the shortcuts and also to run them. I will add automatic detection based on the most common names and warn the user when it needs to be configured manually.

vpsone commented 2 weeks ago

I have changed it but still not getting actions image

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

Try switching to another tab and back (they are loaded when the tab loads), also if the executable is set correctly actions on the panel should work

vpsone commented 2 weeks ago

I have rebooted my pc, even it is not working.

vpsone commented 2 weeks ago

Actions on panel working correctly, only actions are missing when try to change it image

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

What's the output of the command below?

for comp in $(qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel | grep '/component/'); do name=$(echo $comp | sed 's|\/component\/||g') friendly_name=$(qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel $comp org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.friendlyName) IFS=$'\n';for shortcut in $(qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel $comp org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.shortcutNames); do echo $friendly_name,$name,$shortcut;done; done | sort

It's what I use to get the shortcuts from the system

vpsone commented 2 weeks ago

Actions are shown if I replace getShortcutsCommand with what you have provided in configActions.qml but for kwin action it showing me like this image

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

Okay that's progress, please replace the contents of configActions.qml with the following:

After that restart/logout and with journalctl -f --grep="qml|js" running open the widget settings and send the command output, I think there is a problem with the parsing somewhere. The output will be large so a text file may be better

Click to expand ``` import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts import org.kde.kcmutils as KCM import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami import org.kde.plasma.core as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.plasma5support as P5Support import "components" as Components KCM.SimpleKCM { id: root property alias cfg_singleClickAction: singleClick.configValue property alias cfg_singleClickCommand: singleClick.commandValue property alias cfg_singleClickAppUrl: singleClick.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_doubleClickAction: doubleClick.configValue property alias cfg_doubleClickCommand: doubleClick.commandValue property alias cfg_doubleClickAppUrl: doubleClick.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_middleClickAction: middleClick.configValue property alias cfg_middleClickCommand: middleClick.commandValue property alias cfg_middleClickAppUrl: middleClick.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_mouseWheelUpAction: wheelUp.configValue property alias cfg_mouseWheelUpCommand: wheelUp.commandValue property alias cfg_mouseWheelUpAppUrl: wheelUp.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_mouseWheelDownAction: wheelDown.configValue property alias cfg_mouseWheelDownCommand: wheelDown.commandValue property alias cfg_mouseWheelDownAppUrl: wheelDown.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_mouseDragUpAction: dragUp.configValue property alias cfg_mouseDragUpCommand: dragUp.commandValue property alias cfg_mouseDragUpAppUrl: dragUp.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_mouseDragDownAction: dragDown.configValue property alias cfg_mouseDragDownCommand: dragDown.commandValue property alias cfg_mouseDragDownAppUrl: dragDown.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_mouseDragLeftAction: dragLeft.configValue property alias cfg_mouseDragLeftCommand: dragLeft.commandValue property alias cfg_mouseDragLeftAppUrl: dragLeft.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_mouseDragRightAction: dragRight.configValue property alias cfg_mouseDragRightCommand: dragRight.commandValue property alias cfg_mouseDragRightAppUrl: dragRight.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_pressHoldAction: pressHold.configValue property alias cfg_pressHoldCommand: pressHold.commandValue property alias cfg_pressHoldAppUrl: pressHold.applicationUrlValue property alias cfg_showTooltip: showTooltip.checked property alias cfg_qdbusCommand: qdbusCommand.text property alias cfg_scrollSensitivity: scrollSensitivity.value property bool isLoading: true property string getShortcutsCommand: "for comp in $("+qdbusCommand.text+" org.kde.kglobalaccel | grep '/component/'); do IFS=$'\\n';for shortcut in $("+qdbusCommand.text+" org.kde.kglobalaccel $comp org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.shortcutNames); do echo $comp,$shortcut;done; done | sort" ListModel { id: shortcutsList ListElement { label: qsTr("Disabled") shortcutName: "Disabled" component: "Disabled" } ListElement { label: qsTr("Custom Command") shortcutName: "Custom Command" component: "custom_command" } ListElement { label: qsTr("Launch Application/URL") shortcutName: "Launch Application/URL" component: "launch_application" } } ListModel { id: shortcutsListTemp ListElement { label: qsTr("Disabled") shortcutName: "Disabled" component: "Disabled" } ListElement { label: qsTr("Custom Command") shortcutName: "Custom Command" component: "custom_command" } ListElement { label: qsTr("Launch Application/URL") shortcutName: "Launch Application/URL" component: "launch_application" } ListElement { label: qsTr("Launch Application/URL") shortcutName: "Launch Application/URL" component: "launch_application" } } P5Support.DataSource { id: getShortcuts engine: "executable" connectedSources: [] onNewData: function(source, data) { var exitCode = data["exit code"] var exitStatus = data["exit status"] var stdout = data["stdout"] var stderr = data["stderr"] exited(source, exitCode, exitStatus, stdout, stderr) disconnectSource(source) // cmd finished } function exec() { getShortcuts.connectSource(getShortcutsCommand) } } signal exited(string source, int exitCode, int exitStatus, string stdout, string stderr) Component.onCompleted: { getShortcuts.exec() exited.connect(function (cmd, exitCode, exitStatus, stdout, stderr) { console.warn("----"); console.warn("cmd:", cmd); console.warn("exitCode:", exitCode); console.warn("exitStatus:", exitStatus); console.warn("stdout:", stdout); console.warn("stderr:", stderr); var lines = stdout.trim().split("\n") const blackList = [ "activate widget", "activate task", "clear-history", "clipboard_action", "cycleNextAction", "cyclePrevAction", "edit_clipboard", "khotkeys", "repeat_action", "show-barcode", "show-on-mouse-pos", "knotes", "kwin,cycle-panels", "kwin,next activity", "kwin,switch to next activity", "kwin,switch to previous activity", "kwin,manage activities", "kwin,show dashboard", "kwin,stop current activity", "kwin,toggle do not disturb" ] for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (blackList.some(term => lines[i].includes(term))) { continue } const line = lines[i].toString().split(",") var component = line[0].split("/") component = component[component.length - 1] const shortcutName = line[1] console.log(component + " - " + shortcutName); shortcutsList.append({ "label": component + " - " + shortcutName, "component": component, "shortcutName": shortcutName }) } console.log("SHORTCUTS LOADING FINISHED"); isLoading = false }) } signal configurationChanged ColumnLayout { Kirigami.FormLayout { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop Kirigami.Separator { Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("General") Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true } RowLayout { Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Show tooltip:") CheckBox { id: showTooltip checked: cfg_showTooltip onCheckedChanged: { cfg_showTooltip = checked } text: i18n("Show list of actions when hovering the spacer") } } TextField { Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Qdbus executable:") id: qdbusCommand placeholderText: qsTr("e.g. qdbus, qdbus6, qdbus-qt6") } RowLayout { Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Scroll threshold:") SpinBox { id: scrollSensitivity from: 1 to: 10000 } KCM.ContextualHelpButton { toolTipText: "Higher values may help reducing repeated scrolling events on some devices" } } } Kirigami.FormLayout { Kirigami.Separator { Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Actions") Kirigami.FormData.isSection: true } Components.GroupedActions { id: singleClick modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "singleClickAction" sectionLabel: "Single Click" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: doubleClick modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "doubleClickAction" sectionLabel: "Double Click" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: middleClick modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "middleClickAction" sectionLabel: "Middle Click" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: wheelUp modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "mouseWheelUpAction" sectionLabel: "Wheel Up" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: wheelDown modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "mouseWheelDownAction" sectionLabel: "Wheel Down" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: dragUp modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "mouseDragUpAction" sectionLabel: "Drag Up" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: dragDown modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "mouseDragDownAction" sectionLabel: "Drag Down" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: dragLeft modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "mouseDragLeftAction" sectionLabel: "Drag Left" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: dragRight modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "mouseDragRightAction" sectionLabel: "Drag Right" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" isLoading: root.isLoading } Components.GroupedActions { id: pressHold modelData: isLoading ? shortcutsListTemp : shortcutsList confInternalName: "pressHoldAction" sectionLabel: "Long press" Kirigami.FormData.label: sectionLabel+":" showSeparator: false isLoading: root.isLoading } } } } ```
vpsone commented 2 weeks ago

Here is the output output.txt

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

Even with the log I am still not sure what's wrong:

stderr: Cannot find '.e' in object /compo at org.kde.kglobalaccel

The command I shared earlier wasn't the correct one (took it from the shell history 🤦‍♂️), does the following run without errors?

for comp in $(qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel | grep '/component/'); do
    echo "COMPONENT" $comp
    for shortcut in $(qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel $comp org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.shortcutNames); do
        echo $comp,$shortcut;
vpsone commented 2 weeks ago

If I change do IFS=$'\\n'; to do IFS=$'\n'; in configActions.qml, It is working fine without any error, I think using extra \ causing the error

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like the problem is the shell that Plasma is calling, it defaults to /bin/sh and on my system that is aliased to bash. Probably in yours is running pure sh (can you verify that? ls -l /bin/sh). Which causes Apparently leaving the backslash unescaped (like you did) lets the shell interpret it literally so it still works. Not sure if this could cause problems with other systems where the alias is set to some other shell though.

Probably the correct thing to do would be to put the command in a script with bash shebang and make sh run that

vpsone commented 2 weeks ago

For my system /bin/sh aliased to dash, I am using KDE neon based on Ubuntu 22.04.

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah that's the reason. Switching to separate bash script will fix this

luisbocanegra commented 2 weeks ago

At some point I plan to switch to a python dbus script because that will make it easier to pull shortcut names in the system language