luisiam / homebridge-liftmaster2

LiftMaster Plugin for HomeBridge (API 2.0):
61 stars 15 forks source link

Same UUID as another bridged accessory #56

Open Robhof opened 5 years ago

Robhof commented 5 years ago


I´ve added the Homebridge-liftmaster plugin and everything works perfectly until I restart homebridge. Then I get this error mesage and homebridge stops working.

(node:12490) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the same UUID as another bridged Accessory: 68f738ff-6257-4cd3-9937-bca0aefb4e01

If I delete the contents of accesories folder (CachedAccessories) and restarts homebridge everything is up and running until next restart.

I verified .json and it should be fine. But for some reason restarting homebridge creates duplicate UUID´s Removing liftmaster plugin resolves the issue, so it has to be related.

"platforms": [
      "platform": "FibaroHC2",
      "name": "FibaroHC2",
      "host": "******",
      "username": "******",
      "password": "******",
      "pollerperiod": "2",
      "securitysystem": "enabled",
      "switchglobalvariables": "",
      "thermostattimeout": "7200",
      "enablecoolingstatemanagemnt": "off",
      "doorlocktimeout": "0",
      "IFTTTmakerkey": "",
      "enableIFTTTnotification": "none"
 "platform" : "verisure",
   "name" : "Verisure",
   "email": "******",
  "password": "******",
  "alarmCode": "******",
  "doorCode": "******",
  "pollInterval": "180"
"platform": "LiftMaster2",
"username": "******",
"password": "******",
"openDuration": 17,
"closeDuration": 25,
"polling": true,
"longPoll": 300,
"shortPoll": 25,
"shortPollDuration": 120,
"gateways": *****

Please assist


The-Exalted commented 5 years ago

Having this exact issue - unfortunately no solution yet. Would love some help / guidance. Thank you.

stalinCCCP415 commented 4 years ago

Yup, same issue here. Anyone figure this out or move to a better working plugin?