luizcarlosfaria / Oragon.RabbitMQ

Opinionated and Simplified Minimal APIs for Resilient Consuming Messages from RabbitMQ, Ensuring No Crucial Configurations Are Hidden.
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Validate DispatchConsumersAsync from ConnectionFactory #16

Open luizcarlosfaria opened 6 days ago

luizcarlosfaria commented 6 days ago

When user ignore DispatchConsumersAsync boolean property of ConnectionFactory, consumer never will be called.

-- Users do not configure ConnectionFactory properly, ignoring DispatchConsumersAsync property (by default is false).

The way to make consistence guarantee is requesting the user ConnectionFactory to do my validations but by design handle the ConnectionFactory is not Oragon.RabbitMQ business.

ConnectionFactory and Connection is handled by user code, the Oragon.RabbitMQ job is to use a valid connection to create a consumer.

The effect is that consumer never be called.

This approach enables user code to handle connection lifecycle and granularity.

Is user responsible to choose between:

A pull request was created on rabbitmq/rabbitmq-dotnet-client, but this PR was closed.

lukebakken commented 5 days ago

Hello, please see this PR -

luizcarlosfaria commented 4 days ago

@lukebakken thank you so much!!