luizmineo / node-webkit.dart

build node-webkit apps with Dart.
MIT License
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Quick start example no longer works #5

Open ppvk opened 9 years ago

ppvk commented 9 years ago

When I follow your directions I end up with the node-webkit clouds and an error that says:

Uncaught node.js Error

TypeError: undefined is not a function at dart.J.get$length$asx (file:///home/username/Development/test/build/web/index.dart.js:3629:41) at dart.main (file:///home/username/Development/test/build/web/index.dart.js:3499:12) at file:///home/username/Development/test/build/web/index.dart.js:4281:7 at init.currentScript (file:///home/username/Development/test/build/web/index.dart.js:4263:5) at file:///home/username/Development/test/build/web/index.dart.js:4276:3 at file:///home/username/Development/test/build/web/index.dart.js:4286:3

Driky commented 9 years ago

The problem come from gui.App.argv.length if you use gui.App.argv[0] directly in the string, it works. But if you put something like : var a = gui.App.argv.length; before the querySelector, the error comes up.