Closed Lazerbeak12345 closed 3 months ago
* the victim is not (easily) able to share a ctx object with the victim's usual ctx * won't work if the victim keeps some types of state outside of the ctx * won't work if the victim keeps the wrong type of state inside of the ctx * form object name collision can still happen (we don't want to prefix all of the names inside the victim since that is slow and will have to be un-prefixed before every render somehow)
I don't see any way other than prefixing all the names inside the child form (though I have been tired lately so I may be missing something, apologies if this reply is hard to follow). I don't understand why they'd need to be unprefixed though? victim_ctx.form
could have a metatable like this:
setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(_, key)
return ctx.form[prefix .. key]
__newindex = function(_, key, value)
ctx.form[prefix .. key] = value
I have no idea how slow this would be but I'm not sure if there's a better way of doing it.
I forgot about metatables.
The next concern is that the Victim tree will have to be walked over to rename everything in the DOM
Concerning speed, LuaJIT optimizes metatables - if I remember correctly. Should be near O(1) time.
Walking the whole tree is at best O(n) time.
The next concern is that the Victim tree will have to be walked over to rename everything in the DOM
I don't think there's any way to avoid that. I've written an embed function if you were wanting to try it out:
local function create_ctx(ctx, name, prefix)
if not ctx[name] then
-- Proxy ctx.form access to the real form
ctx[name] = {
form = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(_, key)
return ctx.form[prefix .. key]
__newindex = function(_, key, value)
ctx.form[prefix .. key] = value
return ctx[name]
local function wrap_callback_func(func, name, prefix)
return function(player, ctx)
return func(player, create_ctx(ctx, name, prefix))
local function add_prefix(node, name, prefix)
if node.type == "style" and node.selectors then
-- Add prefix to style[] selectors
for i, selector in ipairs(node.selectors) do
node.selectors[i] = prefix .. selector
elseif node.type == "scroll_container" and node.scrollbar_name then
node.scrollbar_name = prefix .. node.scrollbar_name
elseif node.type == "tooltip" and node.gui_element_name then
node.gui_element_name = prefix .. node.gui_element_name
-- Add prefix to all names
if then = prefix ..
-- Wrap callback functions
if node.on_event then
node.on_event = wrap_callback_func(node.on_event, name, prefix)
if node.on_quit then
node.on_quit = wrap_callback_func(node.on_quit, name, prefix)
-- Recurse to child nodes
for _, child in ipairs(node) do
add_prefix(child, name, prefix)
function form_embed(player, form, name)
local prefix = "\2" .. name .. "\2"
local old_get_context = flow.get_context
local parent_ctx = old_get_context()
local child_ctx = create_ctx(parent_ctx, name, prefix)
flow.get_context = function() return child_ctx end
local node = form._build(player, child_ctx)
flow.get_context = old_get_context
add_prefix(node, name, prefix)
return node
local gui = flow.widgets
local example_form = dofile(minetest.get_modpath("flow") .. "/example.lua")
local form = flow.make_gui(function(player, ctx)
return gui.HBox{
gui.Label{label = "GUI 1 (checkbox: " .. dump(ctx.a and ctx.a.form.checkbox) .. "):"},
form_embed(player, example_form, "a"),
gui.Box{w = 0.05, h = 1, color = "grey", padding = 0.25},
gui.Label{label = "GUI 2 (checkbox: " .. dump(ctx.b and ctx.b.form.checkbox) .. "):"},
form_embed(player, example_form, "b"),
minetest.register_chatcommand("test", {
description = "Test form_embed()",
func = function(name)
I'd love to. I'll get back to you after some testing
After a quick review, here's my feedback on that example code.
I haven't actually run the code - that's just a review.
Otherwise, that's exactly what I had in mind.
* some forms won't need a prefix. Prefixes slow things down, so if the prefix name is null, I think it should just call _build and return the result verbatim.
That sounds reasonable
* the metatable should not be recreated on every function call (it's slow)
I think it's only recreated if ctx
is reset?
* perhaps the function names need work? Not sure.
I agree that they could be better, I just can't think of better names
* will the internal post-render callback used by the Flow areas need to be wrapped too?
I don't think so, they don't access ctx
I was thinking, a good abstraction for this API might be to present the API as like a widget. It might look like this:
player = player,
prefix = "b"
Otherwise, since we seem to be on the same page, I'll send a PR later.
The PR I made is mostly identical to your example write-up earlier.
This at first sounds like a bad idea. It might even be a bad idea - but It has a valid use case.
Mod exists that provides acess to the form object. The form code is entirely inline. A third party mod would like to embed that form inside of their form.
Actual real-life inspiration
I recently saw you've been making a few flow GUIs for various things. The question I asked for myself was "what is the easiest way to embed this inside of sway? (as a 3rd party mod depending on both)" Unwrapping might work - but then you'd have to worry about ctx collisions
Example API idea
and will have to be un-prefixed before every render somehowunprefixing is easy)