Open spookycat opened 3 days ago
@spookycat Thank you for opening the issue.
I just experimented with settings and I got a similar warning when I activated compatibility mode in graphics settings (although, in my case blur does not work). Do you have it enabled?
I did have Compatibility mode enabled, if I turn that off then it stops the warning above but is now replaced by the error below:
Skipping render pass. UniversalBlurPass requires an intermediate ColorTexture, we can't use the BackBuffer as a texture input.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Unified.UniversalBlur.Runtime.UniversalBlurPass:RecordRenderGraph (UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderGraphModule.RenderGraph,UnityEngine.Rendering.ContextContainer) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unify.unified-universal-blur/Runtime/UniversalBlurPass.cs:69)
UnityEngine.Camera:Render ()
So not sure if that is an Enviro issue now or a Blur one now.
It might be the case of how EnviroReflectionProbe actually works. Unfortunately, it is kind of hard for me to replicate that problem.
Meanwhile, it might help to check the "Render Graph Viewer" window and see how the graph looks like (and there might be a few of them in your case, under the camera filter). And if you are able to, please share the screenshots.
Here is a grab from the Render Graph Viewer, probably managed to not grab what you want to look at so just let me know.
Just update from v4 to the current version or your great system, but I am getting endless messages in the console of: Execute is not implemented, the pass Unified.UniversalBlur.Runtime.UniversalBlurPass won't be executed in the current render loop. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) Is there a way to fix this, the blur seems to still work but its spewing out this warning endlessly even when the not in play mode.