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How to use this with Vite? #5

Open FezVrasta opened 1 year ago

FezVrasta commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the plugin! I tried to use the styled-components plugin on a Vite project but it doesn't seem to do anything, I tried to use it in the optimizeDeps.esbuildOptions.plugins and in the plugins but it has no effect. Could you provide guidance please?

alexkuz commented 1 year ago

@FezVrasta Vite uses different plugin API than Esbuild, so this plugin wouldn't work there. I haven't used Vite a lot, but I wrote a Vite version, can you try it out?

yarn add --dev ''

Here's how you would use it in vite.config.js:

import styledComponentsPlugin from '@lukalabs/esbuild-styled-components/vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [styledComponentsPlugin({ namespace: 'xxx' }), react()],
FezVrasta commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I get this error when I try your command, may you publish it on npm please?

Internal Error: Invalid descriptor (

alexkuz commented 1 year ago

Are you using Yarn 2? I will publish this later, meanwhile please try this one:

yarn add --dev '@lukalabs/esbuild-styled-components@'
FezVrasta commented 1 year ago

Thanks, this installs correctly with Yarn 2, but the plugin doesn't seem to do anything, my css properties are not compiled into className ones.

alexkuz commented 1 year ago

Yes, the implementation here is limited and doesn't include css props, at least for now. I should have mentioned it in README. It was created mainly to solve server rendering issues. I can look into implementing css, not sure when though.

Have you tried using vite-plugin-babel-macros + babel-plugin-styled-components, as discussed here?

FezVrasta commented 1 year ago

I'm using the react-plugin-swc with the swc styled-components plugin for now, having a esbuild-native solution would have been great though!

igor-levkov commented 1 year ago

I'm using the react-plugin-swc with the swc styled-components plugin for now, having a esbuild-native solution would have been great though!

@FezVrasta are you using awc plugin setup with Vite? If yes, then do you have sample repo for it?

FezVrasta commented 1 year ago

I'm just using this in the plugins list:

const react = require('@vitejs/plugin-react-swc').default;


      react({ plugins: [['@swc/plugin-styled-components', {}]] }),