lukas-clarke / eight_sleep

Home Assistant Eight Sleep integration that works with Eight Sleep's new API and OAUTH2
MIT License
62 stars 11 forks source link

suscription need? #17

Open kiloptero opened 4 months ago

kiloptero commented 4 months ago

hi all! thanks for this!! you need the suscription for this?

lukas-clarke commented 4 months ago

I believe you can use this integration without a subscription. This integration uses the same calls as the app. And I believe the app allows the calls the integration is using, even when not having a subscription. I don't have any way to test it out though, because I have a grandfathered account. And this isn't saying anything about what may happen in the future. Eight Sleep may change the API at any point.

I have made a note to add this info to the readme for the next release.

kiloptero commented 4 months ago

yes... the hw is amazing.... but dont trust the business model.. almost buy this things hours ago until reaad all the bad comments

eugenk commented 1 week ago

My subscription (Pod 3) has expired some time ago and I just tested this integration. These features are working fine for me:

Actually these are exactly the features I used with the included subscription. Now that I'm not a subscriber any more, all automations from the app are gone. Even turning it on and off in the evening/morning. This needs to be done manually via app. With this integration, I can easily bring back these most essential automations.

Alarms cannot be set up, which is totally fine for me.