lukas-frey / filament-icon-picker

An icon picker field for Filament
MIT License
101 stars 20 forks source link

Filament v3 #11

Closed cheesegrits closed 11 months ago

cheesegrits commented 1 year ago

Hi Lukas,

I'm using filament-icon-picker in a couple of my Filament v3 projects. As you probably know, v3 is still in alpha, awaiting Livewire v3 before moving to public Beta, but a number of us have been using it for a while as part of closed Alpha testing.

I have a v3 compatible branch in my fork of filament-icon-picker that I use on my live sites, through a repository config in composer.json that points directly to my fork. Filament v3 plugins are not bc with v2, they need to be separately versioned packages.

Would you be willing to create a filament-v3 branch, that I can then PR my changes to, and tag a v3 alpha version of it for Packagist for me? There's only a small handful of changes needed to get it to work in v3. And I'd be happy to keep it up to date, merging and PR'ing any changes you make on main, until public Beta opens.

It's not a huge deal, I can keep using my fork till v3 goes public and you create your own version, but it would make my life a little simpler if I could just use a tagged version from you.

lukas-frey commented 1 year ago

Hi, here's the branch that you needed:

cheesegrits commented 1 year ago

@LukasFreyCZ hey, thanks!

Sorry for the delay, the client that needed this had me working on other priorities for a while, but I'm now back on the icons. I'll test out the v3 tag.