lukas-kirschner / Exodus

A turn-based 2D Platformer. Re-Implementation of the Classic EPOC32 Space Exodus Game by David Sansome
MIT License
6 stars 1 forks source link

Implement a Campaign Mode #51

Closed lukas-kirschner closed 10 months ago

lukas-kirschner commented 1 year ago

To implement this feature, several other features need to be implemented:

lukas-kirschner commented 1 year ago
lukas-kirschner commented 1 year ago

Campaign mode should have a "Level Selector Maze" that unlocks with campaign progress and allows the player to choose a path / that branches in different directions to allow different campaign trails

Paths in the campaign trail should have labels that are shown to the user (like "Classic Psion 5mx levels", "Tutorial", "...")

The tutorial should be the first campaign trail branch and unlock more tutorials, like "Moving"->"Jumping"->"Ladders"->"Doors"->...

The campaign trail progress is saved in the highscores database per-player, the high score for each map is shown as usual

We need a struct "Game mode" that is either "Tutorial", "Campaign" or "Free Play". In Campaign mode, in the game over screen, the "back to map selection screen" button changes to "back to campaign trail"

There should be only one large campaign trail

The campaign trail should be different from the base game and unlock with game progress. We need a directed graph struct from which the trail should be generated and unlocked automatically with the game progress.

After unlocking one map, the player can see the next two map nodes, with the not unlocked one grayed out