lukas-reineke / headlines.nvim

This plugin adds horizontal highlights for text filetypes, like markdown, orgmode, and neorg.
MIT License
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Issue with clearing background highlights #21

Closed TerseTears closed 2 years ago

TerseTears commented 2 years ago


This may be two separate issues, but both seem to be related to how background highlights that aren't (completely) in view are cleared. The first issue is with a red line that shows when a headline goes out of view (seems it only happens if it's at a lower level). The second issue is with the code blocks and how the background highlight is removed midway. Below is an illustration:

lukas-reineke commented 2 years ago

The codeblock background highlight happens because the plugin currently only looks at the current view. I can add a bit of buffer to that :+1:

The red line though I can't reproduce.

gerritvreeman commented 2 years ago

Would there be a significant influence on performance if it just looked at the entire buffer (by changing local offset = 0 and local range = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr))?

lukas-reineke commented 2 years ago

Depends on the size of the file. Couple hundred lines, probably no. Couple hundred thousand lines, yes.

Now that markdown has a supported treesitter grammar as well, it might be nicer to switch to that. I'll think about this

lukas-reineke commented 2 years ago

I refactored everything to use treesitter. This should no longer happen.