lukas-reineke / indent-blankline.nvim

Indent guides for Neovim
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Fail to run config when start up #876

Closed AhJi26 closed 2 months ago

AhJi26 commented 2 months ago



Steps to reproduce

update this plugin use astronvim and nvim 0.12.2

Expected behavior

Please fix. It is really annoying to have a error every time open nvim.

Neovim version (nvim -v)


sfc-gh-mjendruk commented 2 months ago

Hello, I'm getting the same error on 0.9.5.

leandrofmoraes commented 2 months ago

A temporary solution is to downgrade to a previous version.

     main = 'ibl',
     commit = "3d08501caef2329aba5121b753e903904088f7e6", -- release v3.5.4
     dependencies = 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter',
manuelcattelan commented 2 months ago

You should simply update Neovim to the lastest stable version, v0.10.0 (tested).

lukas-reineke commented 2 months ago

Duplicate of #869

lukas-reineke commented 2 months ago

Bro I'm on nvim 0.12.2

You are not, unless you are writing this from the future. Neovim stable is 0.10, and nightly is 0.11. Either of those will work. 0.12 does not exist yet.

AhJi26 commented 2 months ago

Sorry about that🥲, I forget I've add a alias of neovide