lukas-w / font-logos

An icon font providing popular linux distro's logos
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Add all icons for use with quickemu #133

Open zen0bit opened 3 months ago

zen0bit commented 3 months ago

Needed font additions for quickemu project (And bit more)

Included in PRs


Already in font-logos repo

zen0bit commented 3 months ago

hasecilu commented 3 months ago

Do you have an screenshot on how the icons are being used?

Finii commented 3 months ago

This feels likes being captured by Quickemu, whatever that might be ;-) And this is too many too fast. Who should look at all the svgs in detail? Maybe Quiclemu should collect the svgs themselfes and create a quickemu_icons.font? Well, where icon fonts are not useful for applications anymore,


Icon fonts are really niche. We should cater for that niche not applications that want to show some icon.

zen0bit commented 3 months ago

Here is (older) asciinemapreview @hasecilu I wanna use font icons also for choosing OS earlier in video

zen0bit commented 3 months ago

I like idea of building separate font for quickemu

PS: Here is bit outdated svg distro repo for use with quickgui (part of quickemu project)

I am one of contributors, maintainer sadly isn't available to manage project for some time.

hasecilu commented 3 months ago

I like idea of building separate font for quickemu

What I did for some custom icons was to delete all content of icons.tsv file and just add my 2 custom icons on last codepoints, change name on Makefile and generate it, independent from font-logos and nerd fonts.

zen0bit commented 3 months ago

:wink: Operating Systems logos font (for quickemu UIs) Just released

readme-header Still need bit more work...