lukasbach / yana

Powerful note-taking app with nested documents, full-text search, rich-text editor, code snippet editor and more
MIT License
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[REQUEST] Minimize to system tray #28

Open GraveyardLeprechaun opened 3 years ago

GraveyardLeprechaun commented 3 years ago

Really loving Yana so far, but I would really like to be able to minimize it to a nice icon in the system tray to free up taskbar real estate. Additionally, the ability to open and close the app from this icon with a single click would be very nice, as well. Thanks so much for your hard work on Yana! Really looking forward to seeing it grow and evolve!

lukasbach commented 3 years ago

Hi @GraveyardLeprechaun, thanks for your feedback and kind words!

I'll look into tray-minimization with electron and see if that is possible with yana :)