lukasgeiter / mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin

An MkDocs plugin that simplifies configuring page titles and their order
MIT License
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Allow `mkdocs-gen-files` generated content #78

Closed thejcannon closed 10 months ago

thejcannon commented 11 months ago

:wave: Loving the plugin!

Currently also loving, but noticed that if I generate navs, or pages referenced by my static navs, they don't end up making it to the generated docsite.

E.g. mkdocs.yml

  - gen-files:
  - awesome-pages:
      filename: .nav.yaml

with"reference/", "w") as f:
    f.write("Hello world!\n")
with"reference/goals/", "w") as f:
    f.write("# Goals!\n")
with"reference/goals/.nav.yaml", "w") as f:
    f.write("nav:\n  -\n")

along with:

$ tree -a docs/markdown/reference
└── .nav.yaml
$ cat docs/markdown/reference/.nav.yaml 
  - Global Options:
  - Goals: goals

Results in Reference being in the nav, but is "flat". No expand arrow.

Additionally, the pages do exist, /reference/global-options is a valid URL and gives what I expect.

thejcannon commented 11 months ago

Hmm, so poking around mkdocs and, I suspect that that plugin ought to define on_nav and allow customization. I'll file an issue over there and close one when the other is complete.

thejcannon commented 11 months ago

Nevermind, I think I got this working on this plugin, using the Files provided by mkdocs instead of scraping the docs_dir directly.

I'll try and whip up a PR today :smile:

lukasgeiter commented 11 months ago

Keep in mind that under normal circumstances .nav.yml wouldn't be included in Files.

If I understand mkdocs-gen-files correctly, the files are temporarily created somewhere outside of docs_dir. Maybe you can try to get my plugin to read the .nav.yml file from there.

thejcannon commented 11 months ago

OK, today might be a stretch. I got it to respect generated .md files pretty easily.

Generated navs is a bit harder :smile: