lukashornych / evitalab

Official web-based GUI client for evitaDB e-commerce database. It is built to help developers who use evitaDB with exploring and debugging their domain structure and data. Besides standard query executing, it also supports multiple no-code tools to quickly navigate through domain structure, docs and data without needing to write any queries.
Apache License 2.0
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Management tooling - Job listing #146

Open lukashornych opened 1 week ago

lukashornych commented 1 week ago

Subissue of #117

For async jobs like generating reports, that take some time to create by evitaDB, we will create separate job listing viewer for each connection, where all these "jobs" will be listed. The listing will be unified for different types of jobs. The evitaLab will provide API for registering such jobs with monitoring etc. Jobs will be usually some reports to generate or backup/restore catalog. The actual logic will be provided by evitaDB.


novoj commented 1 week ago

Some tasks provide progress information in %. Some tasks will provide a file as a result.

lukashornych commented 1 week ago

@novoj this will need some backing in evitaDB itself, idk if it's good idea to implement this solely on FE due to the possible page reloads (it can be probably solved by browser storage, but we need to discuss it).

novoj commented 1 week ago

What do you have on mind exactly?