lukashornych / evitalab

Official web-based GUI client for evitaDB e-commerce database. It is built to help developers who use evitaDB with exploring and debugging their domain structure and data. Besides standard query executing, it also supports multiple no-code tools to quickly navigate through domain structure, docs and data without needing to write any queries.
Apache License 2.0
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Share tab data via link #96

Closed lukashornych closed 5 months ago

lukashornych commented 5 months ago

When several developers (usually WD with AD) are debugging a problem with data or query, they need to share query with variables. But sharing these information using messaging application is tedious and may lead to misunderstanding and not 1:1 copy of the original query/variables.

We could leverage the demo query opening feature with the future planned functionality of storing opened tabs in local storage for session restoration to allow providing a URL link that would contain actual URL of the evitaLab and base64-encoded object with opened tab (in which the link was created) with all the data in the tab (query, variables, ...). This way one developer could easily share entire debugging stack to other developer just via link.

One problem is that we didn't want to allow custom queries to be passed as URL parameter other than safe ones from documentation. We fear that someone may misuse the functionality for attacks, so this will need to be discussed further.

cc @novoj

novoj commented 5 months ago

Well, we could allow to pass / accept them, we cannot do that automatically and immediately execute for sure. For me it would be ok if query from non-trusted source is accepted first with modal dialog with text: "The URL contains a request from a non-trusted source. Do you want to accept it and add it to your query editor (you still need to execute it manually afterwards)?" and if you click okey, the query will only be pre-filled in the editor, but still as "passive" text until the developer manually sends it to the evitaDB server.

novoj commented 5 months ago

And by the way, the URL has safe limits of about 2-4k characters - what if the query doesn't fit in there? We can compress it somehow - but we should take it into consideration.

novoj commented 5 months ago

@lukashornych when it's done - let's make from this a catchy video to share on social links. Script:

  1. Screen-capture from person one - writes query with variables
    • generates shareable link
    • goes to discords and sends it to another person
  2. screen rotation effect to make obvious we change seats
  3. Screen-capture from person two
    • receives the share link
    • clicks on it
    • confirms the modal dialog - the query is in the editor
    • executes the query - and we have the result
  4. some effect at the end

I can take care of the post-processing (or my daughter can :) ) - so let's just record the source videos. I think it could have a like or two ;)

lukashornych commented 5 months ago

@novoj Great idea with the video :+1:

lukashornych commented 5 months ago

Been experimenting with the sharing format of data...

I've used a larger query which seems to be pretty standard size of queries in FE of our e-shop application:

        filterBy: {
            attributeCodeInSet: []
            entityLocaleEquals: cs
            priceInCurrency: CZK
            priceValidInNow: true
            priceInPriceLists: ["basic"]
            attributeProductTypeInSet: ["BASIC", "SET", "MASTER"]
        orderBy: {attributeCodeSetExact: []}
        require: { priceType: WITH_TAX }
    ) {
        recordPage(number: 1, size: 20) {
            data {
                priceForSale(validNow: true, currency: CZK) {
                price(priceList: "reference", currency: CZK) {
                stocks {
                    attributes {
                attributes(locale: cs) {
                attributes(locale: cs) {
                master {
                tags {
                    referencedEntity {
                        attributes {
                parameterValues(filterBy: { attributeVariantEquals: true }) {
                    referencedEntity {
                        attributes {
                        parameter {
                            attributes {
                            referencedEntity {
                                attributes {


and variables

"variables": {
    "filterBy": {
      "attributeCodeInSet": [],
      "entityLocaleEquals": "cs",
      "priceInCurrency": "CZK",
      "priceValidInNow": true,
      "priceInPriceLists": [
      "attributeProductTypeInSet": [
    "orderBy": {
      "attributeCodeSetExact": []
    "require": {
      "priceType": "WITH_TAX"

which results in approximately 3500 characters when a transfer object is constructed. I've tried lz-string JS library to compress the raw string with query and variables into URL safe string


which results in approximately 1500 characters.

Which is not too far from the URL limit (2048 characters), but personally, I think this should work for the majority of cases. For the rest of cases where the payload is bigger that the URL limit, we could either not allow to create a link or we could copy only the encoded data string into the clipboard and then create an input in the lab to allow pasting the string into. This would not be as pretty as the link, however it could still be better than sharing raw queries.

There is another problem I've came across, is that the shared object would contain reference to used evitaDB connection. The problem is that usually, connections don't have fixed ID. Instead evitaLab generated random UUIDs for the connections. We do have support for custom IDs in evitaDB config file and it is used for demo dataset, but it is not required to fill the ID. Altough we could require the custom static ID for the preconfigured connections in the evitaDB config. Another problem could be user-created connections (which I doubt would be used much for this sharing feature) because these are stored only in a browser and there is no way we can reliably match these IDs across multiple browsers.

What I propose is this:

Realistically we could simplify it only to the first use-case for now as I think this will cover all cases we need right now. The use-cases would simply not be possible yet.

novoj commented 5 months ago

I agree with your conclusions. Perhaps I have a follow-up idea. We don't generate the connection ID entirely automatically - the base of the ID is always a catalog name followed by a - character and a hash of the catalog location and a few other things. If we split the ID and keep only the part before the - sign, matching might be a lot easier. Don't you think?

novoj commented 5 months ago

And chatGPT thinks ( that the URL length limit is much higher than 2048. So maybe we should always try to generate the link. What about leaving the option to paste the base64 encoded text for the future if we encounter a frequent problems?

And this post confirms it: ... again only M$ sucks.

lukashornych commented 5 months ago

I think you mixed connections and catalogs together. Connection is just a pointer to a evitaDB server, it doesn't have a single catalog associated with it. But maybe we could use the evitaDB server URLs, normalize them and create hash as ID from it. But we would also have to validate duplicate URLs across multiple connections, which may be problematic in that that a connection can have multiple URLs for different APIs, however, the base Lab API URL is always required, so we could just check and hash that.

Regarding the URL length, ChatGPT doesn't work for me now, but I've found another helpful article where it says the same thing I found originally. The Undertow server used by us to server evitaLab have higher limit apparently, I tested 5500 characters and it didn't complain.

Maybe we could show a warning if its longer that it may not work in some browsers? And like you said, the pasting option can be implemented in future if needed.

lukashornych commented 5 months ago

Everything is implemented. Keeping it open to record the video after it is fully released and deployed on evitaDB demo.