lukaskleinschmidt / kirby-types

IDE Helper for Kirby
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How to use the decorator feature for Asset methods #4

Open gaufde opened 1 month ago

gaufde commented 1 month ago


I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post something like this, so feel free to redirect me if needed.

I am trying to generate a stub so that PhpStorm doesn't complain that read() is not a method of Kirby\Filesystem\Asset when doing this: asset('logo.svg')->read().

My interpretation of the docs is that the decorator feature was designed to handle this, so I edited my /site/config/config.php:

return [
    'debug' => true,
    'email' => [
        'transport' => [
            'type' => 'smtp',
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'port' => 1025,
            'security' => false
    'lukaskleinschmidt.types' => [
        'decorators' => [
            \Kirby\Filesystem\Asset::class => [
                'read' => [
                    '@return string|false',

However, it doesn't work as I would expect. If I do a diff with the generated types file before and after I added the above to my config, I see that there is no change:


For fun, I also tried editing the /plugins/kirby-types/config.php file to add:

        Asset::class => [
            'fields' => [
                '@return' => 'string|false',

But that didn't seem to have an effect either. So, is there something I am doing wrong or is this a bug?

lukaskleinschmidt commented 1 month ago

The issue is that the read method does not exists on the Kirby\Filesystem\Asset itself. Rather it gets called with the magic __call method dynamically on s underlying Kirby\Filesystem\File object. So the decorators do not work in that case.

Usually you could do something like this for such dynamic classes:

namespace Kirby\Filesystem
     * @mixin \Kirby\Filesystem\File
    class Asset
        // ...

This nothing this plugin can currently provide. But perhaps an interesting concept to add.

gaufde commented 1 month ago

Oh interesting. I knew read() was a method of Kirby\Filesystem\File but I didn't realize that meant it should be inserted in a different manner compared to the methods dynamically inserted via closures.

Would it make more sense to ask the core team to add the @mixin annotation directly to Kirby\Filesystem\Asset?

lukaskleinschmidt commented 1 month ago

It would make sense to have this in the core. Not sure where their stance is on using @mixin though

gaufde commented 1 month ago

Okay! I'll close this topic here and then approach the Kirby team about the possibility of adding @mixin.

Do you know where the best place to approach them about this is? I think the options are GitHub, Discord, the forum, and, but it isn't exactly clear to me what is the preferred place to reach the Dev team about something like this.

lukaskleinschmidt commented 1 month ago

Github is probably a good place to start. You could also try to directly create a PR for that if you can.

Feel free to reference this issue and you can leave it open. I'm considering adding the @mixin functionality it to the types plugin as it is probably helpful in other cases as well