lukaskral / bootstrap-table-filter

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select & search not working. range is working ? #29

Open rickyspires opened 9 years ago

rickyspires commented 9 years ago


I am having trouble with filters.

select & search are not working but range is working ?

If i do an equals to on a number it is working fine. If I select a check box or type in the search it comes back blank even tho it is there.

I have a feeling that it might be conflicting with ex-editable because ex-editable adds data-type to the td.

for example:

           a  data-type="text > Product 1   /a

I noticed that bootstrap table filter uses type: 'search' etc... Would that be the reason ?

my bootstrap table loks a little like this:

<table id="table-inv" class="table table-bordered table-hover dataTable" data-url="../../Scripts/data/products.json" data-toggle="table" data-select-item-name="toolbar1" data-click-to-select="false" data-toolbar="#filter-bar-inv" data-check-on-init="true" data-search="true" data-show-filter="true" data-show-columns="true" data-show-export="true" data-export-data-type="selected" data-show-footer="false" data-pagination="true" data-page-size="4" data-minimum-count-columns="2" data-mobile="true">

my json looks a little like this: [ { "id": "1", "prodcode": "0001", "prodname": "Product 1", "proddescription": "Description 1", "prodcategory": "Category1", "prodsupplier": "Default Supplier 1", "prodcost": "10.00", "prodsell": "20.50", "prodtax": "20", "prodmodified": "2015-12-30", "prodstock": "-32", "prodbarcode": "688vv8v8sv5s675s", "prodstatus": "outofstock" } ] I am not using my js file to create the tables. Any ideas ? p.s how can i add code blocks here ? ;)