lukaslueg / macro_railroad

A library to generate syntax diagrams for Rust macros.
MIT License
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Toggle/collapse/put in a tab the instructions screeen #26

Open peter-kehl opened 2 years ago

peter-kehl commented 2 years ago

Currently the instructions/docs/reference screen on the right takes half of horizontal dimension, and macro input has only 50% left. Please consider a toggle/collapse/tab for the instructions area.

A workaround in Firefox:

@-moz-document url-prefix("") { div#copytext { display: none !important; } div#content { grid-template-columns: 1fr 0fr !important; } }

See also lukaslueg/railroad#3.
lukaslueg commented 2 years ago

My HTML/JS knowledge is completely non-existent, so if you or someone else would have a go at a rewrite, that'd be greatly appreciated