lukasmonk / lucaschessR2

Lucas Chess R Version 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
255 stars 36 forks source link

Slow Chess Engines, Low Performance (Linux) #104

Open gokberkgunes opened 12 months ago

gokberkgunes commented 12 months ago

I started using Lucas Chess recently. The first issue with the program I faced was that analyses taking very long time to complete. Similarly, the kibitzers struggle to calculate lines even when 16 cores are given available. I ran some casual benchmarks myself, and below are their results.

I have compared the Stockfish 16 on Lucas Chess's kibitzer, ChessX. Also Stockfish 14+ on On the comparison, I've selected to go as deep as 25. The results are given in the table below.

Name Time took for Depth 25
Lucas Chess (Stockfish 16) 48 seconds
ChessX (Stockfish 16) 3 seconds (Stockfish 14+) 3 seconds

Then, I looked for other reports concerning the engine issues. I could not find anything on GitHub. Moreover, there is nothing popped up concerning the same issue on web search results. Therefore, I am opening this bug report.

Since I could not test this problem on any other computer but the current one, I do not know if this a general Lucas Chess problem or a Linux-related problem or a problem concerning my computer.

I would also like to report some limitations with the kibitzers.

lukasmonk commented 12 months ago

Yes, 20 is too much, I change it to 10. The user can change the MultiPV field at his discretion, from a minimum of 2 (1=20). imagen

Stockfish is the same in any environment, those 48s refer to a totally different context than the 3s in the other programs. Try using kibitzer for best move. Thank you for your opinions.