lukasmonk / lucaschessR2

Lucas Chess R Version 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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wish to print a game #117

Open gijsbers opened 8 months ago

gijsbers commented 8 months ago

One can analyse a game and save it, but there is no print option. After analysis I want to print it and go to a real board to study it. For that the PGN needs to be properly formatted. A bit like this: 20 But of course in practice the analysis will be much more extensive. This facility could also be helpful for imported PGNs. Saving the formatted print to a PDF would also be nice.

gijsbers commented 8 months ago

Here is a better example of what I hope to see in printed game analysis: a tree of thinking. a-tree-of-thinking

lukasmonk commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the ideas. I guess there must be a lot of programmes that make a manageable printout of a game. Maybe next year I'll get around to working on this.

gijsbers commented 8 months ago

Another wish. On Linux it is customary to pass command-line arguments to the program. Like pass the file location of a PGN file that can then be opened immediately for analysis. Like in: Lucas file.pgn. That way one doesn't have to navigate through the menu system with the mouse, which is much slower than the keyboard.

lukasmonk commented 8 months ago

This utility is already included.

gijsbers commented 8 months ago

OK, now I see it. Sofar I only got: Failed to execute script 'Launcher' due to unhandled exception! whenever I tried this, but if I give the absolute path it works. Great! Lucas changes its working directory when it starts, which causes relative paths not to be found.

lukasmonk commented 8 months ago

In a virtual machine with Debian, I have tested and it has let me assign Lucas Chess, as a program to be launched when double clicking on a pgn.

gijsbers commented 8 months ago

Apparently Debian then passes the full path to the PGN. In Linux if you are in terminal in a directory and see a file A, then you can say: edit A to open it in the editor. When you save the file to a different name B, then B will appear in that same directory. Here you don't need to use path separators like / or \\. But because Lucas changes directory to the Lucas installed bin subdirectory, the location information of a local PGN is lost if it is not a full path with all separators.

lukasmonk commented 8 months ago

You are right, support is only given when the full path is indicated.

gijsbers commented 8 months ago

And the script on Linux doesn't pass on command-line arguments with "$@".

The bin/LucasR program throws an unhandled exception on -help or --help, which is a common way to ask a program for a synopsis of the options that it accepts.

lukasmonk commented 8 months ago

Lucas Chess is a graphical program designed in Windows and I try to make it work with the same possibilities in Linux, that can be installed and executed from a desktop, also that pgn files can be opened, through a file manager. In Linux the use of the terminal is more common than in Windows, and I don't intend to give more support for now.

gijsbers commented 6 months ago

When viewing an analysed game, the variations on the right show alternatives to the last move played. To understand this, I need to mentally undo the last move and then apply an alternative. This is cumbersome. I would much prefer the variations on the right to show me all the variation options I have as a move to play in the current position. Hence, the variations are one ply too late.

lukasmonk commented 6 months ago

How about a kibitzer of the candidate type?

gijsbers commented 6 months ago

That is so attention grabbing, because it changes all the time. If that is the only option, the mass analysis becomes obsolete. I seek to browse the mass analysis PGN in a way that shows me the analysis of the move options I have in the current position. Not having to mentally undo the last move before I can apply an analysis variation.

lukasmonk commented 6 months ago

It is likely that I have not understood what the real problem is. But, are you talking about this? image

gijsbers commented 6 months ago

Yes. The move d5 has already been executed, which makes looking at other variations more difficult. If the d-pawn would still be on the d4 square then examing variations would be more convenient.

lukasmonk commented 6 months ago

I don't know a good way to implement this. With left click on the first move in each variation, the position on the board is changed.

gijsbers commented 3 months ago

The kibitzer window doesn't properly resize horizontally when I resize it to the full width of the screen. The column "Main line" remains the same and shows about 7 to 8 moves (w+b).

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

This allows it to be enlarged manually. image