lukasmonk / lucaschessR2

Lucas Chess R Version 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
255 stars 36 forks source link

Linux. Problems with launching the program. #136

Open tuchanemo opened 3 months ago

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

Hi, I have Debian 12 installed with kernel 6.6.13. The latest version I can install and run is

I don't have the program versions working: When trying to play without installation gives an error. lucaschessR2 12c_play

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

You can try renaming the ~/LucasChessR directory to ~/LucasChessR.old. And then try to install the R2.12c version again.

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

I renamed the old folder and ran the install. The installation went through, I pressed the "Close" key, the installer window closed. On the console I see the following message and nothing else happens, the program window does not open. lucaschessК2 12c console

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

I have no idea. There is an alternative:

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

I did everything according to the link provided. The installer also installed miniconda3. I go to the ~/lucaschess folder and run the script Something happens for a while, then the command line prompt appears and that's it. The program window does not open. Ran the script in x11 and wayland session. The result is the same, the program window does not open.

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

There is a file = bug.log (LucasChessR/bin folder), maybe it will show what's going on, if it contains more than one line, please write a message showing it. If it only has one line, you can edit and delete the line: export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=xcb

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

Here's the file bug.log Version R 2.12c Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 18, in Code.Base.Init.init() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Base/", line 18, in init resp = LucasChessGui.run_gui(main_procesador) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 90, in run_gui procesador.start_with_user(user) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/", line 124, in start_with_user self.configuration.start() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Config/", line 400, in start self.relee_engines() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Config/", line 343, in relee_engines self.dic_engines = OSEngines.read_engines(Code.folder_engines) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/OS/linux/", line 92, in read_engines mas("ct800", "Rasmus Althoff", "1.45", "", "CT800-1.45", 2380, nodes_compatible=True) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/OS/linux/", line 16, in mas engine.set_uci_option("Log", "false") File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 109, in set_uci_option li_uci_options = self.li_uci_options() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 235, in li_uci_options self.read_uci_options() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 191, in read_uci_options engine = EngineRunDirect.DirectEngine("-", self.path_exe, args=self.args) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 75, in init self.ucinewgame() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 146, in ucinewgame self.put_line("ucinewgame") File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 82, in put_line self.stdin.flush() BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Channel break

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

The problem seems to be in the ct800 engine version. Copy the attached file unzipped in the programme folder. /bin/OS/linux/Engines/ct800/

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

I copied the CT800-1.45.uci_options file to the specified folder Nothing's changed.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 18, in Code.Base.Init.init() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Base/", line 18, in init resp = LucasChessGui.run_gui(main_procesador) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 90, in run_gui procesador.start_with_user(user) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/", line 124, in start_with_user self.configuration.start() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Config/", line 400, in start self.relee_engines() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Config/", line 343, in relee_engines self.dic_engines = OSEngines.read_engines(Code.folder_engines) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/OS/linux/", line 143, in read_engines mas("igel", "Volodymyr Shcherbyna", "3.0.0", "", "Igel-3.0.10", 3402, File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/OS/linux/", line 16, in mas engine.set_uci_option("Log", "false") File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 109, in set_uci_option li_uci_options = self.li_uci_options() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 235, in li_uci_options self.read_uci_options() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 191, in read_uci_options engine = EngineRunDirect.DirectEngine("-", self.path_exe, args=self.args) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 75, in init self.ucinewgame() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 146, in ucinewgame self.put_line("ucinewgame") File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Engines/", line 82, in put_line self.stdin.flush() BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Channel break

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

Now is Igel. In attach a zip file to unzip in . /bin/OS/linux:

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 18, in Code.Base.Init.init() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Base/", line 18, in init resp = LucasChessGui.run_gui(main_procesador) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 90, in run_gui procesador.start_with_user(user) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/", line 126, in start_with_user Code.runSound.read_sounds() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Sound/", line 104, in read_sounds self.write_sounds() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Sound/", line 82, in write_sounds wav = self.relations[key]["WAVKEY"] + ".wav" File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Sound/", line 139, in relations add("MC", ("Beep after move"), "BEEP") TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

My hypothesis, it is possible that the problem is that the user folder has characters that make some files unreachable. To check this, one possibility would be to create a folder in Home, with a name with ascci characters, for example alex, and with full permissions for your user, and copy the lucaschess folder into that folder.

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

my home folder name is made entirely of ascii characters. I would like to remind you that works on my system

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

Sorry, I had seen some messages in bug.log with non-ascii characters, and I have not checked.

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

Where did you make the last attempt, in the version that installs miniconda?

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

I didn't understand the question. I downloaded the installation file from the link

After installing it, I ran the script cd ~/lucaschess


lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

That is correct, and should work. I attach a new file to unzip in UserData folder (it creates the Sounds folder).

The problem is that I don't know why it doesn't work. Maybe there is some incompatibility with some engines, like ct800 and igel, which I would fix by recompiling them. Now it doesn't read the resources. This file pops the last error, to see if the next error gives me some clue to understand the problem. Tomorrow I'll make a comparison between the wayland versions and this one, maybe I'll find something. More tomorrow.

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 18, in Code.Base.Init.init() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Base/", line 18, in init resp = LucasChessGui.run_gui(main_procesador) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 123, in run_gui procesador.iniciar_gui() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/", line 180, in iniciar_gui self.main_window = MainWindow.MainWindow(self) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 28, in init self.base = WBase.WBase(self, manager) File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 84, in init self.create_toolbar() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 124, in create_toolbar dic_opciones = self.dic_opciones_tb() File "/home/xxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 153, in dic_opciones_tb TBPLAY: (("Play"), Iconos.Libre()), TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Bye, see you tomorrow.

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

Please download the 12c installer again and try to install with it.

I finally managed to replicate the problem in a virtual machine. I had to downgrade a library (psutil), and after recompiling everything again it worked in that virtual machine.

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

I replaced the file and ran the script The program window did not open. Here is the log Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 24, in Code.Base.Init.init() File "/home/xxxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/Base/", line 18, in init resp = LucasChessGui.run_gui(main_procesador) File "/home/xxxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 123, in run_gui procesador.iniciar_gui() File "/home/xxxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/", line 180, in iniciar_gui self.main_window = MainWindow.MainWindow(self) File "/home/xxxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 28, in init self.base = WBase.WBase(self, manager) File "/home/xxxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 84, in init self.create_toolbar() File "/home/xxxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 124, in create_toolbar dic_opciones = self.dic_opciones_tb() File "/home/xxxx/lucaschess/lucaschessR2/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 153, in dic_opciones_tb TBPLAY: (("Play"), Iconos.Libre()), TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Version Everything works. lucaschessК2 12c1 console lucaschessК2 12c1 console_1

Play without installation works. Installing the program works. Uninstalling the program works. Thank you.

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

New version of does not work. Here is the log. Version R 2.12c Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 53, in File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/", line 18, in File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Base/", line 18, in init File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/MainWindow/", line 90, in run_gui File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/", line 124, in start_with_user File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Config/", line 400, in start File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Config/", line 343, in relee_engines File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/OS/linux/", line 92, in read_engines File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/OS/linux/", line 16, in mas File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Engines/", line 109, in set_uci_option File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Engines/", line 235, in li_uci_options File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Engines/", line 191, in read_uci_options File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Engines/", line 75, in init File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Engines/", line 146, in ucinewgame File "/home/lucas/pyLCR2/genlinux/LucasChessR/bin/Code/Engines/", line 82, in put_line BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Обрыв канала

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

I forgot that there are some engines that do not work on all pcs. I've redone the installer to take this into account.

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

Yes, it works on my computer. lucaschessК2 12c console_1

lukasmonk commented 3 months ago

Great! I will try to find out what is going on with ct800 and igel. Thank you very much for your help and patience.

tuchanemo commented 3 months ago

Thank you for this program.