lukasmonk / lucaschessR2

Lucas Chess R Version 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
255 stars 36 forks source link

Train with engine in db openings with "ask me when different from the line" ticked fails. #88

Open chemtov opened 1 year ago

chemtov commented 1 year ago


while training, if we play the wrong move, then the correct move is displayed and a pop up window appears asking if we want to go on with the move deviating from the line or not. If we say "yes" then we can continue playing and all is fine.

If we reply "no" on the other hand, then the game freezes and I cannot make any move on the board. "bug.log" doesn't show any failure.

The only way out from that moment is "reinit" or "close" and start again.

Note that automatic analysis is on as well.

As a side note I couldn't find much documentation about the engine configuration, and wonder what are the "bunch of engines" different group (3, 7, 9, ... 48) and also how manual engine (which kicks in when number of engines is 0) and levels interacts. But maybe that belongs to another thread.


lukasmonk commented 1 year ago

It is not a bug in the program. The idea is that if the player makes a wrong move, he must start the game again. If the answer is that the move made is not valid, it is considered an error and the game must be restarted.