lukasmonk / lucaschessR2

Lucas Chess R Version 2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Starwars Chess Surface as Plugin #95

Open blackcrack opened 1 year ago

blackcrack commented 1 year ago


why not a 3D Surface with UE5.1 as Plugin To have a Chess like in the Millennium Hawk or in a Starwars Bar's... the same as Knights&Kings and maybe as Monsters and so on .. (so, theming with different Models and Animations) and this as 3D over/in Vulkan/GL .. i guess, this could be worth ;)))) Call out a 3D Monsters,Supernatural, King's and Starwars Chess Surface :) so, why not, make a plugin possibility to have from all a API and make it as plugin-possibility.. Make a new Project, as example : lucaschess3D-Plugin and call at the 3D Forums for Models, Animators and Programmers.. i bet, there can let found many peoples who want build up some 3D-Plugin for your Chess and have a eye on it, to stay for free ... that everyone gets something from it... This Group could build up together a Free 3D Starwars Chess with many different 3D Surfaces with other 3D Animals,Monsters and others in 3D Models ... it needs a:

ask easy the peoples in they're Forums.. maybe it is build by self a WorkingGroup in the best case :)

best Blacky from the German blackysgate

lukasmonk commented 1 year ago

The idea is very interesting. Some time ago I was looking at the possibility of using qt3D. The amount of work is immense, and for me an unknown terrain, I'm not likely to devote time to it in the medium term.

blackcrack commented 1 year ago

so, Quake and Unreal Figures with different Animations, right, as "Mod" or Animator/Figures Plugin,

you have a board with coordinates.. think technical, as example, if you see a landscape... with trees on it.. or even with Figures where be animated, as example with UE 5.1or2... what you "must" make, as api, a possibility for give out the numbers of squares and coordinate do we have with Alphabet and Numeric coordinates, the rest of if can make an UE engine, adapt the size, of the Board and the squares numbers wide and long and the coordinates.. and if a Opponent/enemy on a place if it to move on the square.. different animations (in the UEngine) for the whole 2x16 Opponent's/enemy's ..

in real, the Unreal-engine play's with your's Chess-engine as "Engine in the middle" build up a grafical 3D Surface for the Player.

then could you have 2 or 3 Modi, Starwars like,

  1. Modi 0 without3D like it is now

  2. on a virtual table or Stand alone fly/stand in the Room and exportable for a 3D Beemer ;) Starwars Starwars2

  3. Modi a more nice Surface in 3D Holo like take a look

  4. Modi : like a 2/3 D Game see on the board like a game game DungeonMasterlike

    the whole 3 Modi it is make able in UE 5.1/5.2

but you must easy call for Developers in a 3D Modeler Forum, the one or other can/known a Animator where be in able to animate the Figures

the hardest is maybe linking the landscape to your Chess Program and the Monsters to coordinates and Attack the Monsters each other .. which need Modler and Animators for some game.. but, you Game have a History and a long developing..

so, if you login in some UE-Developing Forum and and ask politely/lovely, could it be, anyone whant help on it, because the most have a routine in building a landscape and 3D Figures.. and Starwars, Quake and Unreal is anyway a Theme :) And i bet, there Exist enough Figures, because the Start was Unreal and Quake.. i know there exist a 100% correkt Krall and a cool Skaarj where i have see in the UnrealTournamentforum at Epic, at example.. (where i was kicked out because a private speech as pm... (to be honest, to you) well, the other was later kicket out too..) and Starwars.. i want not know how many 3D in this Time now gives ... i bet, a huge collection !

need only animated.. and build it in..

best regards Blacky