I tried getting a token twice and got it successfully. However, I get the following on homebridge:
[9/10/2020, 22:01:08] [PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform] Error while communicating with the Sync Box. Error: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
[9/10/2020, 22:01:08] [PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform] Error while getting the state. Please check the access token.
I tried getting a token twice and got it successfully. However, I get the following on homebridge:
[9/10/2020, 22:01:08] [PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform] Error while communicating with the Sync Box. Error: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT [9/10/2020, 22:01:08] [PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform] Error while getting the state. Please check the access token.
This is what my config looks like.
{ "syncBoxIpAddress": "", "syncBoxApiAccessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTk4MDAxMzE1NzYsImlzcyI6ImhzYi1DNDI5OTYwMUY3RjAiLCJyb2xlIjoidXNlciIsInJpZCI6NCwicmFuIjoiaG9tZWJyaWRnZSIsInJpbiI6ImhvbWVicmlkZ2UifQ==.Tmm0imGJQcCbIzUJwwbInfuTUqkEvBnxyodICI6VSDg=", "tvAccessory": false, "modeTvAccessory": false, "intensityTvAccessory": true, "isApiEnabled": false, "platform": "PhilipsHueSyncBoxPlatform" }