lukassoo / ShellyExporters

All Shelly Exporters for Prometheus
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3EM Grafana Dashboard #2

Closed cste005 closed 1 year ago

cste005 commented 1 year ago


Thanks for your work on the exporters, is there any chance you could share your grafana dashboard json shown in the screenshot?

lukassoo commented 1 year ago


I had the briliant idea of showing an example dashboard but forgot to share it in any way other way than a screenshot... Thanks for asking as this will probably help more people in this use case :)

I am working on sharing the dashboards on the main grafana website but it seems it will take a while for it to work. Once it is up, I will update the readme with links to them so anyone can get them.

Meanwhile you can have the exported Json file here:

The dashboard wasn't meant to be shared when I was making it - there are no variables setup. You will most likely have to update the metric names in the queries to match what you setup in the exporter.

cste005 commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much, that will save me alot of time.

lukassoo commented 1 year ago

No problem 🙂 Links to both dashboards are now in the readme