lukasvst / dm-vio-ros

ROS wrapper for DM-VIO: Delayed Marginalization Visual-Inertial Odometry
GNU General Public License v3.0
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package dmvio_ros not found #17

Closed n-submarine closed 10 months ago

n-submarine commented 10 months ago

Hello, I have an issue and difficult to solve it. I downloaded and built DM-VIO successfully. I also confirmed running with python tool. I wanted to run my own dataset which is .bag file, so tried to use dm-vio roswrapper. However, I can't find dmvio_ros package. 'rosrun dmvio_ros node' did not work. I already set DMVIO_BUILD path to /home/user/catkin_ws/dm-vio/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo. What's the problem? How can I solve this?

I tried delete&rebuild DM-VIO, too. I look forward to answer from you, thankyou!

lukasvst commented 10 months ago

Thanks for first verifying with the python tools.

Have you sourced your ROS workspace ( source your_workspace/devel/setup.bash ), ideally in your .bashrc?

I assume that building the ros driver with catkin_make was successful?

n-submarine commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I did it. Can you explain me about "export DMVIO_BUILD=/PATH/TO/dm-vio/cmake-build-relwithdebinfo" in detail? Especially about cmake-build-relwithdebinfo plz. Do I have to make folder named "cmake-build-relwithdebinfo"?

lukasvst commented 10 months ago

cmake-build-relwithdebinfo is just the name of the build folder. It's the default name when using CLion, but you can also call it build instead. The important part is that you need to have DM-VIO built in this folder (i.e. that's where you ran cmake .. and make).

But I don't think catkin_makewill run successfully unless you have set this correctly.

n-submarine commented 10 months ago

Yes, It was my simple mistake. I solved it. Thanks for your kind response!