lukasvst / dm-vio

Source code for the paper DM-VIO: Delayed Marginalization Visual-Inertial Odometry
GNU General Public License v3.0
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why would this happened? I set the right PATH, but it still didn't work. #53

Open wrmhehe opened 9 months ago

wrmhehe commented 9 months ago

bin/dmvio_dataset \

files=/home/wrm/桌面/dataset/dso/cam0/images \
vignette=/home/wrm/桌面/dataset/dso/cam0/vignette.png \
imuFile=/home/wrm/桌面/dataset/dso/imu.txt \
gtFile=/home/wrm/桌面/dataset/dso/gt_imu.csv \
calib=/home/wrm/桌面/dm-vio/configs/tumvi_calib/camera02.txt \
gamma=/home/wrm/桌面/dm-vio/configs/tumvi_calib/pcalib.txt \
imuCalib=/home/wrm/桌面/dm-vio/configs/tumvi_calib/camchain.yaml \
mode=0 \
use16Bit=1 \
preset=0 \
nogui=0 \
resultsPrefix=/home/wrm/桌面/dm-vio/result \
settingsFile=/home/wrm/桌面/dm-vio/configs/tumvi.yaml \


=============== PRESET Settings: =============== DEFAULT settings:

Rectified Kamera Matrix: 102.4 0 254.988 0 102.4 254.988 0 0 1

Reading Photometric Calibration from file /home/wrm/桌面/dm-vio/configs/tumvi_calib/pcalib.txt Reading Vignette Image from /home/wrm/桌面/dataset/dso/cam0/vignette.png Successfully read photometric calibration! set timestamps and exposures to zero! set EXPOSURES to zero! got 0 images and 0 timestamps and 0 exposures.! ImageFolderReader: got 0 files in /home/wrm/桌面/dataset/dso/cam0/images! Skipping comment line in IMU data. IMU Id: 1520530962735370731 Found no start frame for IMU-data! using pyramid levels 0 to 3. coarsest resolution: 64 x 64! START PANGOLIN! Using setting_minFramesBetweenKeyframes=0.5 because of non-realtime mode. Switching to initializer state: CoarseIMUInit PixelSelector: Using block sizes: 16, 16 Loading gt data 段错误 (核心已转储)

lukasvst commented 9 months ago

This is the line to watch out for : got 0 images and 0 timestamps and 0 exposures. It looks like it cannot find the images in the path you provided.