lukasz-wronski / vscode-ftp-sync

Ftp Sync plugin for Visual Studio Code
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How to upload only one folder to remote root folder #280

Open Frame25 opened 5 years ago

Frame25 commented 5 years ago

My project is frontend webpack build. In my workspace there are all that stuff:


and so on...

I need only to send only all files from /build/ folder to my /public_html/ folder on server. And I don't understand how to write it in config))

Please, help)

saschamonteiro commented 5 years ago

I have exactly the same issue! I need /dist to go into /public_html (nuxt app)

gravitymedianet commented 5 years ago

same issue here. please advise

GASOLINE commented 5 years ago

in json file change "path": "" to "path": "/build"

gravitymedianet commented 5 years ago

@GASOLINE as far as I understand, this is only telling the package where to get the files from, but does not tell the server not to create a build folder. What we are trying to solve is when it is put on the server, there should not be a build folder created, with ftp'd files in there.

tonoslav commented 5 years ago

nothing new with this ?

jonathanattias commented 5 years ago

I also have this problem and can't figure out how to solve it. I have a static site builder and want to sync all the "/_site/" files into "/public_html/" but everything I've tried ends up adding a "/public_html/_site/" folder and putting the files in there.

This ftp-sync extension seems almost perfect for my needs except that this problem makes it useless to me instead.

What am I (we) doing wrong?

p3pp8 commented 5 years ago

Same thing here... This is a big missing feature. It turns this extension to be totally useless! What a shame...

zabanet commented 4 years ago

Yep, It's a good extension but this made it totally unusable for me. Please let user chose the target folder that has different name then the source directory!

selfphp commented 4 years ago

The same ..... too bad

Shujee commented 2 years ago

Is anyone even looking into this issue? Last comment was 2 years ago. This is a basic and much needed feature.

danielnovta commented 2 years ago

same here...

marco-amendola commented 1 year ago

same for me...