lukasz-wronski / vscode-ftp-sync

Ftp Sync plugin for Visual Studio Code
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Redirect Files to another Location - FIXED #308

Open dschiller opened 4 years ago

dschiller commented 4 years ago

I know this Repo seems to be off but maybe somebody knows: Is there a way to upload Files to another Location then in the Local Folders ?

eg.: Files are here: Public/.whatever and on the Server it should be here: ./.whatever Without the "Public" Folder.

Is that possible ?

dschiller commented 4 years ago

Implemented like this:

ftp-config.js ( C:\Users\<User>\.vscode\extensions\lukasz-wronski.ftp-sync-0.3.9\modules )

  defaultConfig: {
    remotePath: "./",
    host: "host",
    username: "username",
    password: "password",
    port: 21,
    secure: false,
    protocol: "ftp",
    uploadOnSave: false,
    passive: false,
    debug: false,
    privateKeyPath: null,
    passphrase: null,
    agent: null,
    allow: [],
    ignore: ["\\.vscode", "\\.git", "\\.DS_Store"],
    pathMapping: {}, // <----- NEW LINE
  getSyncConfig: function() {
    let config = this.getConfig();
    return {
      getGeneratedDir: this.getGeneratedDir,
      local: config.localPath,
      root: config.rootPath,
      remote: upath.toUnix(config.remotePath),
      port: config.port,
      user: config.username,
      password: config.password,
      passphrase: config.passphrase,
      allow: config.allow,
      ignore: config.ignore,
      pathMapping: config.pathMapping, // <----- NEW LINE

sync-helper.js ( C:\Users\<User>\.vscode\extensions\lukasz-wronski.ftp-sync-0.3.9\modules )

var uploadFile = function(localPath, rootPath, callback) {
    getCurrentTime() +
      " > [sync-helper] uploading: " +
  var remotePath = upath.toUnix(
    path.join(ftpConfig.remote, localPath.replace(rootPath, ""))
  var remoteDir = upath.toUnix(path.dirname(remotePath));
  connect(function(err) {
    if (err) {
    var putFile = function() {
      ftp.put(localPath, remotePath, function(err) {
    if (remoteDir != ".")
      // <----- NEW CODE START
      var noPathMapping = true;
      for(var pathMappingPath in ftpConfig.pathMapping) {
        if (remoteDir.includes(pathMappingPath)) {
          noPathMapping = false;
          remotePath = remotePath.replace("/"+pathMappingPath, "/"+ftpConfig.pathMapping[pathMappingPath])
          ensureDirExists(upath.toUnix(path.dirname(remotePath)), function(err) {
            if (err) callback(err);
            else putFile();
      if (noPathMapping)
      // <----- NEW CODE END
      ensureDirExists(remoteDir, function(err) {
        if (err) callback(err);
        else putFile();
    else putFile();

Configuration Examples:


"pathMapping": {
        "Public": "TheValue"

The above Example upload local Files from Folder Public to remote Folder TheValue.

"pathMapping": {
        "Public": ""

The above Example upload local Files from Folder Public to remote Folder Root ( Defined at remotePath ).

    "remotePath": "./www/mysite/",