lukasz-wronski / vscode-ftp-sync

Ftp Sync plugin for Visual Studio Code
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FTP Remote-To-Local Freezes after one upload #337

Open cobyiv opened 3 years ago

cobyiv commented 3 years ago

Nothing has changed on external side but can now only sync one-two files and then the connection freezes (debug output console = 'connect' and then stops responding). It doesn't seem to matter if it is replacing, updating, deleting, adding etc.

Anyone know how to better debug / troubleshoot this?

Looks something like this:

25/3/2021 @ 20:00:59 > [ftp-sync] listRemoteFiles: d/webhooks
25/3/2021 @ 20:00:59 > [ftp-sync] listRemoteFiles: d/webhooks/__pycache__
25/3/2021 @ 20:00:59 > [ftp-sync] listRemoteFiles: d/webhooks/migrations
25/3/2021 @ 20:00:59 > [ftp-sync] listRemoteFiles: d/webhooks/migrations/__pycache__
25/3/2021 @ 20:01:00 > [ftp-sync] listLocalFiles:c:\d
25/3/2021 @ 20:01:30 > [ftp-sync] sync starting
25/3/2021 @ 20:01:30 > [sync-helper] connect
25/3/2021 @ 20:01:30 > [ftp-sync] syncLocal replace: d/webhooks/__pycache__/views.cpython-37.pyc
25/3/2021 @ 20:01:30 > [ftp-sync] syncLocal replace: d/webhook_handler/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc
25/3/2021 @ 20:01:30 > [sync-helper] uploading: views.cpython-37.pyc
25/3/2021 @ 20:01:30 > [sync-helper] connect
cobyiv commented 3 years ago

Anyone have any idea how to debug/troubleshoot this? still a bit frustrating.